Here we describe how to set up a simple forward SMS to a Slack channel. The integration is easy and should take about 10min.
SMSEagle is a hardware SMS gateway. It is used to send & receive SMS directly to/from a cellular network. The device is installed on-prem which assures additional data confidentiality.
SMSEagle Setup
This integration will use CallbackURL feature of SMSEagle device. This feature is included in each version of SMSEagle device.
1. Create a new Callback URL rule
Open menu Callback URL and click button +Add new rule. In the rule fields enter:
Rule name: (any text)
URL: URL address of your Slack Incoming Webhook (created above)
After creating the app, you’ll be redirected to the settings page for your new app. From here select the Incoming Webhooks feature, and click the Activate Incoming Webhooks toggle to switch it on.
3. Create an Incoming Webhook
When Incoming Webhooks are enabled, the settings page should refresh and some extra options will appear. Go to the bottom and click the button Add New Webhook to Workspace.
Go ahead and pick a channel that the app will post to, and then click to Authorize your app.
You’ll be sent back to your app settings, and you should now see a new entry under the Webhook URLs for Your Workspace section, with a Webhook URL that’ll look something like this:
SMSEagle is a hardware & software solution that guarantees a swift delivery of your messages to designated recipients, whether it’s for notifications, alerts, or important updates.
After registering to a demo you get a remote access to our physical device NXS-9750.