Open the menu Settings > SSL page. Set Forward HTTP to HTTPS to “No”.
ServiceDesk Plus Setup
In menu choose: Admin > Organizational Details > SMS Notification Settings
Configure the following settings:
a. Choose “Send SMS through SMS Gateway Provider” b. SMS Provider: Custom c. HTTP Method: GET d. URL: https://IP.ADDRESS.OF.SMSEAGLE/index.php/http_api/send_sms (replace IP.ADDRESS.OF.SMSEAGLE with IP address of your device) e. URL parameters:
i. Parameter: login, Value: (login of the user created in SMSEagle device) ii. Parameter: pass, Value: (password of the user created in SMSEagle device) iii. Parameter: to, Value: ${{recipients}} iv. Parameter: message, Value: ${{message}}
f. Authentication details: None g. Response from provider: OK
3. Save settings
4. Configure the Technician Mobile Numbers for sending SMS notifications. Also, ensure to prefix the proper country code in Mobile field. This is accessible from Admin >> Users >> Technicians >> Technician Details.
5. SMS Messages can be customized in Notification Rules > SMS Templates.
SMSEagle is a hardware & software solution that guarantees a swift delivery of your messages to designated recipients, whether it’s for notifications, alerts, or important updates.
After registering to a demo you get a remote access to our physical device NXS-9750.