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n8n SMS & voice calls integration manual

Here we describe how to set up n8n SMS alerts and voice calls (ring calls, text-to-speech calls)  notifications. The SMS/MMS integration works both ways: for outgoing and incoming SMS/MMS messages. The integration uses SMSEagle Hardware SMS Gateway. The process is easy and should take 10-15 minutes to complete.

SMSEagle is an offline hardware SMS gateway. Therefore no external connection to 3rd party system is required. All notifications are generated on-premise and sent directly to a cellular network. This solution can be used in secure installations without Internet access.

SMSEagle Setup

  1. Create a new user in SMSEagle (menu Users > + Add Users, user access level: “User”).
  2. Grant API access to the created user:
    • click Access to API beside the newly created user.
    • Enable APIv2
    • Generate new token
    • Add access permissions in section Messages for: Send SMS.
    • Add access permissions in section Modem for: Make a ring call, Make a TTS Advanced call (for voice alerting)
    • Save settings

n8n Setup

SMSEagle API will be used to call SMS requests from n8n.

  1. Creating new node
    a) Go to your workflow > create new node
    b) Select Core -> HTTP Request

2. Configuring new HTTP Request Node

a) Method – select POST
b) In the URL field paste: https://smseagle-ip/api/v2/messages/sms
(where smseagle-ip is an actual IP address of your own SMSEagle device)
c) In the Authentication select: Generic Credential Type
d) In the Genering Auth Type select: Header Auth
e) In the Header Auth choose: Create new credential, and in new window fill the fields:

– name: access-token
– value: paste the access token from the previously created user

f) Save
g) click on toggle at Send Body, choose Body Content Type: JSON
h) In the Specify Body select: Using JSON

"text": "This is SMS message body.",

You can use a phone number (for example +48111222333) or a group defined in SMSEagle Phonebook (for example admin-group) as recipient.

3. Test

It’s possible to test the integration – click on Test step button, on the right panel you’ll see the SMSEagle API status output.

(Optional) Configure incoming SMS via CallbackURL

a) In n8n create new node, select Core -> Webhook
b) In HTTP Method select POST
c) Copy URL (either Test or Production)
d) In SMSEagle, create new CallbackURL rule, type POST, paste the URL from n8n and save the rule.
e) You can test webhook by clicking on ‘Listen for test event‘ in n8n, and ‘Test URL‘ in the SMSEagle.
f) Now in the n8n you’ll see the Output with received data.

(Optional) Configure voice calls

SMSEagle device offers wake-up calls (ring only) and voice calls (text to speech) for efficient alerting and notifications.
1. Wake-up (ring only) calls
To setup wake-up calls in the n8n perform the same steps as described above for SMS except:
  • Point 2 b). In the URL field paste: https://smseagle-ip/api/v2/calls/ring
    (where smseagle-ip is an actual IP address of your own SMSEagle device)
  • Point 2 h).

    In the Specify Body select: Using JSON

    "to": ["+48123456789"],
    "duration": 30

    You can use a phone number (for example +48111222333) as recipient.

    2. Voice (text-to-speech) calls
    To setup voice calls in the n8n perform the same steps as described above for SMS except:
    • Point 2 b). In the URL field paste: https://smseagle-ip/api/v2/calls/tts_advanced
      (where smseagle-ip is an actual IP address of your own SMSEagle device)
    • Point 2 h).

      In the Specify Body select: Using JSON

      { "to": ["+48111222333"],
        "voice_id": 2,
      "text": "Example voice alert text" }

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SMS Gateway?

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