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Microsoft System Center 2012 – Operations Manager (SCOM) SMS notifications – integration manual

Here we describe how to setup System Center 2012 – Operations Manager (SCOM) with SMSEagle for SMS notifications.

SMSEagle is an offline hardware SMS gateway. Therefore no external connection to 3rd party system is required. All notifications are generated on-premise and sent directly to a cellular network. This solution can be used in secure installations without Internet access.

SMSEagle Setup

Create a new user for this script in SMSEagle.

System Center 2012 – Operations Manager Setup

Download our integration script from: https://smseagle.eu/download/sendsms-powershell.zip, edit variables containing SMSEeagle IP, username, and password, and put it in desired location e.g C:\Temp.

You can test if script is working with simple .bat file:


The integration in SCOM 2012 will be configured via Command Notification Channel.

To enable an SMS notification channel:

  1. Log on to the computer with a user account that is a member of the Operations Manager Administrators role.
  2. In the Operations console, click Administration.
  3. In the navigation pane, under Notifications, right-click Channels. Click New and then click Command...
  4. Type a name for the channel, such as SMS channel and optionally provide a description. Click Next.
  5. In Full path of the command file: enter as following: c:\windows\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe
    then in Command line parameters put “c:\temp\sendsms.ps1 -to [DELIVERY NUMBER] -message ” ‘$Data/Context/DataItem/AlertName$’
    then in Startup folder for the command line enter c:\windows\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\
    Click Finish
  6. In [DELIVERY NUMBER] put number of cellphone
  7. As a result you should get your new just-added channel
  • Create a new subscriber

In subscribers you define who or what will receive the notifications.

  1. Go to Subscribers and create a new subscriber, with right-click and selecting New..
  2. Add the following parameters:
  3. Subscribers name, click Next
  4. Schedule: Always send notifications, click Next
  5. Address name: your previously saved name of your channel, click Next
  6. Channel Type: Command
    Command Channel: your previously saved name of your channel, click Next
  7. In Schedule choose: Always send notifications , click Finish
  8. Subscriber is configured. Click Finish again.
  • Create subscription

Here you configure which alerts go to which subscribers using what channel.

  1. Go to Subscriptions and create a new subscription, with right-click and selecting New..
  2. Name: your desired subscription name, click next
  3. Criteria: Notify on all alerts, click next
  4. In Subscribers choose Add: and select your just-added subscriber, click Ok to Add
  5. Choose the channel where you want to the notification to go to by choosing Add.. and selecting your channel. Then add it by clicking OK. Click next
  6. Press Finish

Test if notification is working by checking if :

  1. Notification is downloaded
  2. Notification is active
  3. Create test alert and see if it’s raised

What is hardware
SMS Gateway?

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