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ABB Cylon ASPECT SMS alerts and notifications – integration manual

Here we describe how to send SMS alerts from ABB Cylon ASPECT® using SMSEagle Hardware SMS Gateway.

SMSEagle is an offline hardware SMS gateway. Therefore, no external connection to 3rd party system is required. All notifications are generated on-premise and sent directly to a cellular network. This solution can be used in secure installations without Internet access.

This integration manual is based on the official ABB How-to guide  “HT0051 Rev1 How to configure SMS Eagle gateway with ASPECT®”.  According to the document, “for instances where an ASPECT® Site is required to send SMS messages, ABB recommends the SMSEagle devices for this purpose“.

Setup is easy and should take 10-15 min to complete.

SMSEagle Setup

  1. Create a new user in SMSEagle (menu Users > + Add Users) with access level “User”.
  2. Grant API access to the created user:
    • click Access to API beside the newly created user
    • Enable APIv1
    • check “Enable user/password authentication (APIv1 only)”
    • Add access permissions in section APIv1 Permission for: send_sms, send_tocontact, send_togroup
    • Save settings
  3. Open the menu Settings > SSL page. Set Forward HTTP to HTTPS to “No”.


Cylon Setup

1. Open ASPECT-Studio and in your ASPECT Project tree navigate to Services>SMS Eagle Notification Service.

2. In the Basic properties tab fill in the Host (IP address of your SMSEagle), Password and Username for the user created on your SMSEagle device.

Note: Press ENTER after typing the password for the properties window to accept it.

3. Navigate to Notifiers section in your ASPECT Project Tree

4. Right-click on Notifiers and select Add Notifier(s) in the context menu.

5. Set Enter Count to 1 and click on the OK button.

6. In the Basic properties tab change the Notifier Type to SMSEagle Gateway (1) and the Reference Name to SMSEagle.

7. Double-click on the Send To property value and enter a comma-separated list of the mobile numbers of all recipients.


8. Double-click on the Subject property value to define the Subject of the SMS message.

Note: Both plain text and ASPECT TStrings (Tokenized Strings) can be used in this field

9. Double-click on the Content property value to adjust your message content.

Note: Both plain text and ASPECT TStrings (Tokenized Strings) can be used in this field

10. Set the Active Mode property to specify how this Notifier will become active.

Note: Notifier Active Mode can be Disabled, Always Active, Controlled by Schedule, or Inverted Schedule Control.
Disabled Notifiers will automatically stop evaluation – this is useful to temporarily suspend a notifier without deleting it.
Always Active Notifiers will always continue to evaluate.
Controlled by Schedule (with a corresponding schedule selection) will be true any time a schedule has an event/value and false any time that it does not have an event/value.
Inverted Schedule control (with a bound schedule) will be true any time that the bound schedule does not contain a value.

11. Set the Notifier’s alarm priorities to limit notifications to specific ASPECT alarm priorities.

12. Set the Notify on Exit property to receive notifications when alarm is cleared

13. Deploy the ASPECT project.
14. To test whether notifications being sent to all desired recipients, deliberately trigger an alarm.

That’s it! 😊

SMSEagle for ASPECT systems can send 3 types of messages:

  • ASPECT Engine Restart
  • Alarm triggered
  • Alarm cleared

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SMS Gateway?

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SMSEagle is a hardware & software solution that guarantees a swift delivery of your messages to designated recipients, whether it’s for notifications, alerts, or important updates.

After registering to a demo you get a remote access to our physical device NXS-9750.

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  • Access to over 20 functionalities