SMSEagle NXS-9700-4G & NXS-9750-4G Receive PTCRB Approval and AT&T Certification

Poznań, Poland, October 24th, 2022 – Proximus Sp. z o.o., the leading manufacturer of hardware SMS gateways under the SMSEagle brand, announced that NXS-9700-4G and NXS-9750-4G devices have received the PTCRB Certificate of Compliance which recognizes the devices as meeting the requirements of the PTCRB Certification Program and are ready for deployment on AT&T’s 4G network in the United States.

„PTCRB defines the test requirements to verify compliance with global industry standards for wireless cellular devices. Member operators are committed to ensuring device quality through a rigorous certification process. The PTCRB certification program provides confidence that devices conform with global standards and perform optimally on mobile wireless networks.” (source: PTCRB website)

About SMSEagle

SMSEagle is a professional hardware SMS/MMS gateway for sending and receiving SMS/MMS messages. The device is designed with focus on reliability and stability. Messages are sent/received directly to/from cellular network without using any external 3rd party solutions. The device has a range of built-in plugins that enable additional functionalities and easy to use API for integration with external applications.

SMSEagle at stackconf conference 2022

We are happy to announce that SMSEagle is a proud sponsor of stackconf 2022! The event takes place July – 19-20 in Berlin.

About stackconf 2022

This year’s stackconf takes place in the beautiful Meliá Berlin. stackconf is about open source infrastructure in the spectrum of CI/CD, container, hybrid and cloud solutions. Today businesses have to meet the challenging requirements of an accelerated digital age, with virtual infrastructures and multi-channel platforms as the new normal. Bridging the gap between development, testing and operations is one of the fundamental paradigms in modern IT. stackconf covers these concepts from multiple perspectives.

Who you will meet?

stackconf is known for its divers and international audience including renowned IT infrastructure specialists, CTOs, CIOs, SREs, industry leaders, experienced system administrators as well as IT architects, systems, cloud and devops engineers.

In short: a wild bunch of open source addicts sharing their ideas about modern IT infrastructures.

See a full list of speaker line-up here!

What Makes stackconf Special

As one of the leading open source infrastructure events in Europe, stackconf differs from other IT conferences in many ways. Our speaker talks are known for providing real added value instead of just being given as vendor pitches. The infrastructure experts are ready to share all their expertise and want you to get inspired by their lectures. Best case scenario: you go home with at least three new ideas to optimize your own infrastructure.

Networking, socializing and getting in contact with more than 150 like-minded international attendees is another core value of stackconf. We take care of that social aspect at our conference. That’s why we provide a lot of space and opportunities for discussion and exchange. Learn from other IT engineers and architects. Get feedback on your own approaches and plans for the future.

NXS-97xx hardware Rev.1 Support End of Life (EOL)

Dear Valued Customers,

We would like to inform you that effective January 1st, 2025 we will permanently discontinue support of NXS-9700 hardware Rev.1 and NXS-9750 hardware Rev.1 devices. After the date, those hardware models will be officially no longer supported via our Support Center and software updates will be no longer released. The support for the product is being discontinued due to shifts in technology and a shortage of electronic components. The NXS-97xx Rev.1 was already replaced by its successors NXS-97xx hardware Rev.2 – Rev.4. Newer technology provides more productivity and greater efficiency in the same applications as the older product. Newer products are fully compatible with older ones in terms of software applications. We encourage you to learn more about NXS-97xx line of devices here:

Affected products: NXS-9700-3G Rev.1, NXS-9750-3G Rev.1
S/N (MAC address):
starts with 78:A7:14:54…
Continued support until date:  31.12.2024
Recommended replacement product:  NXS-9700-4G Rev.4, NXS-9750-4G Rev.4
Replacement available:  Now

We sincerely appreciate your support and regret any inconvenience this necessary action causes you.

Management Team

We encourage everyone to support Ukraine and it’s people

We’d like to officially announce that we support Ukraine and denounce the unprovoked Russian invasion.

Hundreds of thousands Ukrainian refugees, mothers and children need assistance in relocating. They require basic necessities like blankets, dry goods and warm drinks due to the countless hours they’ve spent in sub zero temperatures getting to and crossing the border into Poland.

We praise the Polish citizens that have welcomed their neighbors from Ukraine with open arms, providing transportation, clothing, food and even shelter in their homes.

SMSEagle and it’s employees all stand behind the Ukrainian people and support refugees in different ways.
As a company, we officially support the Good Factory Foundation. They are proven in providing assistance around the world to those in need and are doing an amazing job in helping refugees from Ukraine. See for yourself by visiting their FB page.

Of course there are many different organizations that are providing assistance in Ukraine and it’s refugees. We invite you donate to one of these organizations and help all the women and children that have been affected by this war.


The escalating crisis in Ukraine has severely affected the population’s access to vital health care. Urgent funding is needed to treat patients wounded by the conflict or those in need of vital care.


The Americares organization is providing medicine, medical supplies, emergency funding and medical professionals to help families in need in Ukraine. It’s accepting donations now to help fund the costs.

(Ranked 97.87/100 on Charity Navigator.)


Global Giving has started a fundraiser to provide clean water, food and shelter to refugees in Ukraine and surrounding regions where Ukrainian refugees have fled.

(Ranked 96.66/100 on Charity Navigator.)

Hope for Ukraine

Hope for Ukraine is accepting donations to help citizens of Ukraine with basic necessities.

(Ranked 90/100 on Charity Navigator.)

Project Hope

Project Hope is sending medicine, supplies and aid to families in Ukraine. The organization is accepting donations to help deliver those items.

(Ranked 82.09/100 on Charity Navigator.)

Save the Children

The Save the Children organization is delivering essential humanitarian aid across the globe. Donations go toward items like food, blankets and face masks.

(Ranked 91.82/100 on Charity Navigator.)


The UNICEF organization is on the ground providing assistance to children in Ukraine. Donations go toward safe water, nutrition, health care, education and protection for those children.

(Ranked 89.18 on Charity Navigator.)

SMSEagle Introduces Version 4 Of Their NXS-line Devices Providing Improved Performance, Reliability And Security

POZNAN, Poland, – 2022/03/15 SMSEagle, a leading provider of hardware SMS gateways, today announced the launch of the new hardware platform of their NXS-line devices, Rev. 4: the NXS-9700 4G and NXS-9750 4G. The upgrade offers enhanced efficiency and stability as well as being compatible with the worldwide 4G network.

SMSEagle is a professional hardware SMS gateway for sending and receiving SMS messages in an automated manner. The significant new hardware upgrades include:

  • CPU: ARM A72 1.5GHz (quad core)
  • Internal Storage: 16GB eMMC storage
  • PoE+ (optional power source)

Its Linux on-board operating system has also been upgraded to Linux 5.1x. Additionally, it offers new versions of the web server and its database.  These recent modifications deliver a seamless user-experience that is both reliable and secure.

Importantly, the NXS-97xx 4G also provides worldwide 4G/3G cellular network compatibility with a global user base in over 90 countries.

These upgrades represent our determination to keep up with ever rising requirements for performance and security” said Radosław Janowski, CEO of SMSEagle. “The NXS-97xx 4G offers both the flexibility and the fortitude to support the growing needs of IT professionals, worldwide."

SMSEagle continues to facilitate the need for a reliable means of automated communication via top of the line hardware with software. By revising their existing hardware and releasing new products with new features, users can maximize their productivity and expand their automation.

Along with the Rev. 4 upgrade to the NXS-line devices, SMSEagle has also changed up their packaging to be more eco-friendly, thereby minimizing waste and becoming more sustainable.

NXS-97xx Rev.4 line devices are fully compatible and interoperable with existing NXS-97xx line. The hardware Rev.4 line devices will gradually replace the current NXS-97xx Rev.3 line.

About SMSEagle

SMSEagle is a leading provider of SMS gateway hardware worldwide. The device is a EU-originated product for automatic sending & receiving of SMS messages, allowing you to send SMS alerts coming from network monitoring systems, SMS tokens from authentication systems, convert email to SMS messages, send and receive SMS texts using API.

For more information, visit

SMSEagle stellt Version 4 seiner NXS-Geräte vor, die eine verbesserte Leistung, Zuverlässigkeit und Sicherheit bieten

POZNAN, Polen, 17. März 2022 – SMSEagle, ein führender Anbieter von Hardware-SMS-Gateways, hat heute die Einführung der neuen Hardware-Plattform ihrer Geräte der NXS-Serie, Rev. 4, bekannt gegeben: NXS-9700 4G und NXS-9750 4G. Das Upgrade bietet mehr Effizienz und Stabilität und ist mit dem weltweiten 4G-Netz kompatibel.

SMSEagle ist ein professioneller Hardware-SMS-Gateway für den automatisierten Versand und Empfang von SMS-Nachrichten. Zu den wichtigen neuen Hardware-Upgrades gehören:

  • CPU: ARM A72 1.5 GHz (Quad Core)
  • Interner Speicher: 16 GB eMMC Speicher
  • RAM: 2 GB LPDDR4
  • PoE+ (optionale Stromquelle)

Das Linux-Bordbetriebssystem wurde ebenfalls auf Linux 5.1x aktualisiert. Außerdem bietet es neue Versionen des Webservers und der Datenbank. Diese jüngsten Änderungen bieten eine nahtlose Benutzererfahrung, die sowohl zuverlässig als auch sicher ist.

Das NXS-97xx 4G bietet außerdem weltweite 4G/3G-Mobilfunknetzkompatibilität mit einer globalen Nutzerbasis in über 90 Ländern.

Diese Upgrades zeigen unsere Entschlossenheit, mit den ständig steigenden Anforderungen an Leistung und Sicherheit Schritt zu halten", so Radosław Janowski, CEO von SMSEagle. „Der NXS-97xx 4G bietet sowohl die Flexibilität als auch die Stärke, um die wachsenden Anforderungen von IT-Experten weltweit zu erfüllen."

SMSEagle erleichtert weiterhin den Bedarf an einem zuverlässigen Mittel für die automatisierte Kommunikation durch erstklassige Hardware und Software. Durch die Überarbeitung der vorhandenen Hardware und die Einführung neuer Produkte mit neuen Funktionen können die Benutzer ihre Produktivität maximieren und ihre Automatisierung erweitern.

Zusammen mit dem Rev. 4-Upgrade der NXS-Geräte hat SMSEagle auch die Verpackung umweltfreundlicher gestaltet, um so den Abfall zu minimieren und nachhaltiger zu werden.

Die Geräte der NXS-97xx Rev.4-Linie sind vollständig kompatibel und interoperabel mit der bestehenden NXS-97xx-Linie. Die Geräte der Hardware-Rev.4-Linie werden nach und nach die aktuelle NXS-97xx Rev.3-Linie ersetzen.

Informationen zu SMSEagle

SMSEagle ist ein weltweit führender Anbieter von SMS-Gateway-Hardware. Das Gerät ist ein EU-Produkt für das automatische Senden und Empfangen von SMS-Nachrichten, mit dem Sie SMS-Warnungen von Netzwerküberwachungssystemen und SMS-Tokens von Authentifizierungssystemen senden, E-Mails in SMS-Nachrichten umwandeln und SMS-Texte über API senden und empfangen können.

SMSEagle présente la version 4 de ses appareils NXS offrant une meilleure performance, fiabilité et sécurité

POZNAŃ, Pologne, 17 mars 2022 – SMSEagle, un fournisseur leader de passerelles SMS matérielles, a annoncé aujourd’hui le lancement de la nouvelle plate-forme matérielle, version 4, de ses appareils de la gamme NXS : le NXS-9700 4G et le NXS-9750 4G. La mise à niveau offre une efficacité et une stabilité accrues ainsi qu’une compatibilité avec le réseau 4G mondial.

SMSEagle est une passerelle SMS matérielle professionnelle pour l’envoi et la réception automatisés de SMS. Les nouvelles mises à niveau matérielles importantes comprennent :

  • Processeur : ARM A72 1.5GHz (quad-core)
  • Stockage interne : stockage eMMC 16 Go
  • RAM : 2 Go (LPDDR4)
  • PoE+ (source d’alimentation en option)

Son système d’exploitation embarqué Linux a également été mis à niveau avec Linux 5.1x. En outre, il offre de nouvelles versions du serveur Web et de la base de données. Ces récentes modifications offrent une expérience utilisateur transparente, fiable et sécurisée.

Fait important, le NXS-97xx 4G est également compatible avec le réseau cellulaire 4G/3G mondial, avec une base mondiale d’utilisateurs dans plus de 90 pays.

Ces améliorations démontrent notre détermination à répondre aux exigences toujours croissantes en matière de performance et de sécurité », a déclaré Radosław Janowski, PDG de SMSEagle. « Le NXS-97xx 4G offre à la fois la flexibilité et les moyens de répondre aux besoins croissants des professionnels de l'informatique, dans le monde entier. »

SMSEagle continue de donner un moyen de communication automatisée fiable grâce à du matériel et des logiciels haut de gamme. En modifiant son matériel existant et en lançant de nouveaux produits avec de nouvelles fonctionnalités, l’entreprise permet aux utilisateurs d’optimiser leur productivité et d’étendre leur automatisation.

En plus de la mise à niveau des appareils de la gamme NXS à la version 4, SMSEagle a également modifié son emballage pour qu’il soit plus écologique, réduisant ainsi le gaspillage et devenant plus durable.

La version 4 des appareils NXS-97xx est entièrement compatible et interopérable avec la gamme NXS-97xx existante. Les périphériques de la gamme remplaceront progressivement ceux de la version 3 actuelle du NXS-97xx.

À propos de SMSEagle

SMSEagle est un fournisseur leader de passerelles SMS matérielles dans le monde entier. Il s’agit d’un produit de l’UE pour l’envoi et la réception automatiques de SMS qui permet d’envoyer des alertes SMS provenant de systèmes de surveillance du réseau et des jetons SMS de systèmes d’authentification, de convertir les e-mails en SMS ainsi que d’envoyer et de recevoir des SMS à l’aide de l’API.

SMSEagle presenta la versión 4 de sus dispositivos de la línea NXS, que ofrece mejor rendimiento, confiabilidad y seguridad

POZNAN, Poland, – 2022/03/15SMSEagle, proveedor líder de puertas de enlace de hardware profesional para SMS, anunció hoy el lanzamiento de la nueva plataforma de hardware de sus dispositivos de la línea NXS, versión 4: el NXS-9700 4G y el NXS-9750 4G. La actualización ofrece mayor eficiencia y estabilidad, además de ser compatible con la red 4G mundial.

SMSEagle es una puerta de enlace de hardware profesional para enviar y recibir mensajes SMS de manera automatizada. Las actualizaciones significativas del nuevo hardware incluyen:

  • CPU: ARM A72 1.5 GHz (cuatro núcleos)
  • Almacenamiento Interno: almacenamiento eMMC de 16 Gb
  • RAM: LPDDR4 de 2 Gb
  • PoE+ (fuente de alimentación opcional)

Su sistema operativo Linux incorporado también se actualizó a Linux 5.1x. Además, ofrece nuevas versiones del servidor web y su base de datos. Estas recientes modificaciones ofrecen una fluida experiencia de usuario que es confiable y segura.

Es importante destacar que el NXS-97xx 4G también ofrece compatibilidad de red celular 4G/3G a nivel mundial con una base de usuarios global en más de 90 países.

Estas actualizaciones representan nuestra determinación de mantenernos al día con los requerimientos cada vez más exigentes en cuanto al desempeño y la seguridad", señaló Radosław Janowski, director ejecutivo de SMSEagle. "El NXS-97xx 4G ofrece tanto la flexibilidad como la fortaleza para soportar las crecientes necesidades de los profesionales de TI en todo el mundo".

SMSEagle sigue satisfaciendo la necesidad de un medio confiable de comunicación automatizada a través de hardware y software de alta gama. Al revisar el hardware existente y lanzar nuevos productos con nuevas características, los usuarios pueden maximizar su productividad y ampliar su automatización.

Junto con la versión 4 de los dispositivos de la línea NXS, SMSEagle también cambió su empaque para que sea más ecológico, lo cual minimiza los residuos y se vuelve más sostenible.

Los dispositivos versión 4 de la línea NXS-97xx son totalmente compatibles e interoperables con la línea NXS-97xx existente. Los dispositivos de hardware de la versión 4 reemplazarán gradualmente a la actual versión 3 de la línea NXS-97xx.

Acerca de SMSEagle

SMSEagle es un importante proveedor de puertas de enlace de hardware para mensajes SMS en todo el mundo. El dispositivo es un producto originado en la UE para el envío y la recepción automática de mensajes de SMS, lo que permite enviar alertas de SMS procedentes de los sistemas de monitoreo de la red, tokens SMS de los sistemas de autenticación, convertir el correo electrónico en mensajes de SMS, y enviar y recibir textos SMS utilizando la API.

SMSEagle apresenta quarta versão de seus dispositivos da linha NXS, oferecendo desempenho, confiabilidade e segurança aprimorados

POZNAN, Polônia, 17 de março de 2022 – A SMSEagle, fornecedora líder de dispositivos de hardware de gateway SMS, anunciou hoje o lançamento da nova plataforma de hardware de seus dispositivos da linha NXS, Rev. 4: os modelos NXS-9700 4G e NXS-9750 4G. A atualização oferece eficiência e estabilidade aprimoradas, além de ser compatível com a rede 4G mundial.

A SMSEagle é um hardware de gateway SMS profissional para enviar e receber mensagens SMS de forma automatizada. Entre as novas atualizações significativas de hardware estão:

  • CPU: ARM A72 1.5GHz (quad core)
  • Armazenamento Interno: armazenamento eMMC de 16GB
  • PoE+ (fonte de energia opcional)

O sistema operacional integrado Linux também foi atualizado para o Linux 5.1x. Além disso, oferece novas versões do servidor web e de seu banco de dados. Essas modificações recentes permitem uma experiência de usuário perfeita, confiável e segura.

Um aspecto importante é que o NXS-97xx 4G também oferece compatibilidade de rede celular 4G/3G mundial com uma base global de usuários em mais de 90 países.

Essas atualizações representam nossa determinação em acompanhar os requisitos cada vez maiores de desempenho e segurança", disse Radosław Janowski, CEO da SMSEagle. "O NXS-97xx 4G oferece flexibilidade e firmeza para atender às crescentes necessidades dos profissionais de TI em todo o mundo."

A SMSEagle continua a viabilizar a disponibilidade de um meio confiável de comunicação automatizada por meio de dispositivos de hardware com software tops de linha. Ao reformular o hardware atual e lançar outros produtos com novos recursos, a empresa permite que seus usuários maximizem sua produtividade e expandam sua automação.

Juntamente com a atualização da Rev. 4 para os dispositivos da linha NXS, a SMSEagle também modificou a embalagem para ser mais ecológica, minimizando assim o desperdício e tornando-se mais sustentável.

Os dispositivos da linha NXS-97xx Rev.4 são totalmente compatíveis e interoperáveis com a linha NXS-97xx existente. A linha Rev.4 de dispositivos de hardware substituirá gradualmente a linha NXS-97 Rev.3 atual.

Sobre a SMSEagle

A SMSEagle é uma fornecedora líder de dispositivos de hardware de gateway SMS em todo o mundo. O dispositivo é um produto originado na UE para envio e recebimento automático de mensagens SMS, permitindo que você envie alertas SMS provenientes de sistemas de monitoramento de rede, tokens SMS de sistemas de autenticação, converter e-mail em mensagens SMS, enviar e receber mensagens SMS usando API.

Notification of Legal Entity Changes

Dear Valued Customers & Suppliers,

We are excited to share important news regarding the evolution of our company and how this change will impact you. We are pleased to announce that on March 1, 2022, the business activity under the name PROXIMUS Radosław Janowski was transformed into Proximus Sp. z o.o.

What does that mean for you?

Due to the transformation, the legal name and the VAT-EU number have changed. The address, bank account numbers, telephone numbers, and e-mail address remain unchanged.

Your contracts and contact persons remain unchanged. The change does not influence the continuation of business activities and the validity of contracts concluded in the past. Proximus Sp. z o.o. takes over all the rights and obligations of the transformed entrepreneur PROXIMUS Radosław Janowski.

New business correspondences, orders, invoices, delivery sheets, new contracts, and changes to existing contracts between you and our company must be carried out under the new business name Proximus Sp. z o.o. following with this change.

Therefore, we ask all our business partners to make this change in their records and to use only the new company name, Proximus Sp. z o.o., for all future communication with our company.

The current company data:

Proximus Sp. z o.o.
ul. 163 Piątkowska
60-650 Poznań
VAT-EU: PL7812032643

SMSEagle Supports Young Driving Talent

We are proud to continue sponsoring young driving talent along with our sales partner IT Awacs from the Czech Republic.
Drivers Vojtech and Jan have been competing on the go kart racing circuit for some time now, their passion for racing is something to admire. The young drivers have been developing their skills and looking ahead toward the future, looking for their next challenge.

They have found it in FIA Formula 4, also called FIA F4, is an open-wheel racing car category intended for junior drivers. There is no global championship, but rather individual nations or regions can host their own championships in compliance with a universal set of rules and specifications.

We wish the best for Vojtech and Jan in their racing endeavors and are delighted to play a small part in their development and success.

SMSEagle in DELL Lego Factory project

DELL Lego Factory project is a project developed by DELL Czech Republic together with ITAwacs (SMSEagle Sales Partner in Czech Republic). It is built from LEGO Technics with real technology for factory simulation of Industry 4.0. SMSEagle is used for SMS alerting purposes when factory failures are detected.

The project is being used in DELL showcases in Czech Republic. It was already seen in DELL Technology Forum, International Engineering Fair.


Are you on a mission? We’d like to help!

There are heroes who make Real Work happen while battling to eradicate hunger and poverty, helping children finish school, rescuing animals, preserving jungles. Maybe they are educating and preparing new generations for achievements that will change the world? Or caring for patients in hospitals and other healthcare facilities?

A proven means of communication could make a big impact on what you’re trying to achieve and we’d like to help!

Nonprofit Discount
SMSEagle offers now offers a 10% discount to nonprofits and charities that we verify.

Who can apply?
In general, organizations are eligible to receive a nonprofit discount if they are a nongovernmental organization recognized as a nonprofit or charitable entity. Public and nonprofit-private educational institutions are also eligible to receive the nonprofit discount.

How to apply?
Send us an email with a link to a page on your website describing your nongovernmental, nonprofit status. If it’s not extremely obvious on your website that you’re a nonprofit, we may require you to email us additional proof of your nonprofit status. We accept any official documentation that supports your nonprofit status. For example, US customers can submit a 501(c)(3) document, while UK customers can submit their registered charity number.

*Orders have to be placed directly at our online store and do not combine with other discounts.*

New 8 modem MHD-8100 line devices

The MHD-8100 product line comes from the many inquiries that we receive from our clients about their need for a higher throughput device. The device runs on the same software as the NXS line devices making it very reliable. As opposed to the NXS line devices, it has 8 modems which allow to send up to 240 SMS/min.
The device is also equipped with a LCD display for easy signal monitoring, list of IP addresses of network interfaces and more.

  • Incoming transmission rate: up to 240 SMS/min
  • Outgoing transmission rate: up to 240 SMS/min
  • Processor type: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU N3350
  • RAM type: 2GB LPDDR4
  • Internal storage: 32GB eMMC storage
  • Network interface: 2x Ethernet 10/100/1000 TX (2xRJ45)
  • Other interfaces: LCD Display, 1x HDMI+DP, 2x USB 3.0

You can check the full device specifications as well as purchase these products at the pages below.

The MHD line devices have already proven to be unmatched in quality, performance and dependability. If you’re looking for a high throughput hardware with continually updated software, SMSEagle has you covered.