SMSEagle Anniversary Promotion

In honor of our 10-year anniversary, we would like to take a moment to THANK YOU ALL for your continued support. It has been an incredible 10 years! Without you, we would not be where we are today.

As a thank you, we have a couple of special promotions available so that you can celebrate with us!

1. Storewide Discount
Starting February 13th, for the next 10 days, we will be discounting our products storewide by 10%*! Use voucher code 10YEARS to apply the discount.
*Discount does not stack with other discounts

2. Gift Card Giveaway5x 200USD & 10x 50USD Amazon gift cards

  • Beginning on Monday, February 13th at 12pm CEST – To enter our contest, post a picture of your SMSEagle device on Facebook or LinkedIn
  • The picture has to show an SMSEagle device, where it’s being used (server room or even a desktop) or alternatively, a picture of SMSEagle logo at your place of business
  • Make sure to tag SMSEagle in your post or use hashtag #smseagle10yrs
  • Winners will be selected on February 23rd and announced on February 24th

SMSEagle Gift Giveaway Official Rules

Join us between the 13th and 23rd of February as we celebrate this milestone and take advantage of amazing offers!

Radosław Janowski, CEO and Product Manager of SMSEagle

“In the coming years, we will continue to invest in the development of our platform and expand our services to better meet the needs of our customers. We are confident that the next decade will be even more exciting, and we look forward to continuing our journey with you.”

Improve Healthcare Communications with SMS Solutions for Hospitals & Clinics

From hospitals to clinics, healthcare institutions are on the front lines of protecting citizens and communities across the globe. The need for accessible healthcare continues to be prioritised, with governments going a long way to ensure patients have seamless access to the doctors, facilities and care they require. A tougher challenge, however, resides in the microeconomics of these institutions and facilities, where ineffective communications continues to plague both patients and health workers alike. As we speak, thousands of appointments are being made over physical helpdesks and calls – appointment management alone remains a manual process requiring tedious direct telephone work.

Unlike dedicated apps or telephone calls, SMS provides healthcare institutions with a seamless medium to communicate with patients. By utilizing SMS communications solutions integrated with existing patient management systems and databases, healthcare institutions can automate patient engagement and reachout activities. Not only is SMS accessible across all types of handsets, it also requires absolutely no patient training and produces greater response rates than external apps or patient helplines.

Problem of missed appointments

The statistics for missed appointments are not positive. For example, in Poland there were 19,500 “empty” visits to specialists in year 2022 just in in the West Pomeranian province (an area with a population of 1.7 million people). These “empty” appointments occur in cardiology, endocrinology, orthopedics, ophthalmology specialists and even in family doctors. Missed appointments simply means longer queue to specialists and family doctors. It can also have a significant impact on operating profits by under-utilising doctors and medical facilities. These missed appointments affect also the capacity of healthcare institutions to develop and deliver new patient services to their existing customer base.

SMS is the simplest solution to use

With SMSEagle SMS/MMS Gateway, hospitals and clinics can send SMS messages to patients reminding them of their upcoming appointments. Patients can then reply to the SMS message to cancel their appointment if necessary. This saves time and resources for both the patient and the hospital or clinic. SMSEagle device provides a web-based graphical user interface (GUI) that allows hospitals and clinics to easily integrate it into their existing workflows. The GUI simplifies the process of creating and sending messages, making it quick and easy for staff to use. The SMSEagle GUI also allows hospitals and clinics to manage their messages in real-time. They can monitor message delivery and track responses, ensuring that patients receive the information they need when they need it.

Easy integration into existing appointment systems (optional)

By integrating the SMSEagle SMS/MMS Gateway via API or Emai to SMS with appointment scheduling applications, patients can effectively manage their appointments by sending SMS requests to cancel existing appointments or even change the appointment date. These requests are then automatically updated in appointment systems without the need for human intervention. Likewise, healthcare institutions can easily contact and remind patients of upcoming appointments, minimizing the number of missed appointments. Together, this allows for a faster allocation of appointment slots and better utilization of healthcare resources.

Keeping patients in the loop

SMS is not just for proactive patient management – hospitals and clinics can leverage it to keep patients and former patients updated on new services and facilities, ensuring that they are kept in the loop of the latest healthcare advancements while expanding their own reach and influence. Likewise, by connecting patient databases with the SMSEagle SMS/MMS Gateway, institutions can easily spread the word when there is a vaccine rollout or new doctor in town. They can then follow up with this by pushing proactively for appointments.

Healthy patient communications

Using SMS messaging to communicate with patients takes the cost and complexities out of appointment scheduling, patient management and reachout campaigns. SMSEagle’s latest partnership with Nexus Polska, for example, greatly automates the transmitting of healthcare information between doctors, patients and other healthcare workers. With seamless integration and nearly no additional staff training required, SMSEagle SMS/MMS Gateway is the perfect low-cost, high-impact solution for your patient communication needs.

Create the right solution for your operation

Your obstacles are unique, and the solutions for them should be too. The functions of SMSEagle allow critical operations units to incorporate SMS communications into their systems in a way that makes sense to them. To find out how SMSEagle will allow you to create the solution you need, get in touch with our team.

SMSEagle Celebrates its 10 Year Anniversary!

We are excited to announce that SMSEagle brand will be celebrating its 10th Anniversary between February 13th and 23rd 2023! ??? It has been an incredible journey and we are very proud of what we have achieved. We couldn’t have made it this far without the support and loyalty of our customers, and we want to thank you for being a part of our journey.

Stay tuned for special anniversary discounts, a chance to win Amazon gift cards, and other exciting surprises ????. Keep an eye out for details on our social media and blog!

So, mark your calendars and save the date!  Join us from February 13th as we celebrate this milestone and take advantage of amazing offers!

SMSEagle Team

Order Management Systems: Adding SMS to the Cart

This holiday season, shopper footfall has reached an all-time high – whether it’s Cyber Monday or Panic Saturday, stores have been inundated with year-end orders and last-minute holiday purchases.

As such, order management systems that support this kind of retail activity have never been more crucial, especially with e-commerce overtaking in-person sales. Merchants need to be able to communicate with customers across multiple touchpoints, and at every phase of the order lifecycle. From placing an order and issuing invoices, to fulfilling delivery and sending billing reminders, keeping customers in the loop not only reduces the risk of dispute, missed deliveries and non-payment, but also improves ease of fulfilment and customer satisfaction.

Efficient customer notifications via SMS

The incumbent in this regard is clear – as we speak, thousands of SMS messages are being sent to customers to notify them of new orders and deliveries. Not only is it the channel of choice, it also best fits the concise nature of transactional messages and boasts extremely high read rates. Furthermore, rapidly evolving e-commerce systems mean that online customer identification is increasingly tied to unique phone numbers, which SMS serves as a natural extension to.

How to lower the costs of SMS in e-commerce?

Using a comprehensive SMS-based communications solution such as SMSEagle Hardware SMS Gateway, retailers can reap great cost savings by investing in a single hardware rather than subscribing to a PAYG model, while leveraging lower rates provided by local SIM cards. It also offers multiple useful features including phonebooks, message templates and Email to SMS, where retailers who choose to ping customers via email can now extend this effortlessly to SMS messages.

From-store-to-door messaging

Every purchase begins with placing an order. Whether customers order in-store or online, they want to be assured that their order has been received and processed. By connecting e-commerce systems such as Amazon Seller Central to the SMSEagle SMS Gateway via third-party automation tools such as Zapier, retailers can notify customers every time a new sales order is placed, with SMS messages automatically sent to the customer’s phone number. This can include a wide range of order information such as the expiry date for a subscription, or expected delivery times and tracking updates.

Achieve the highest open-ratio

According to ezyCollect, it takes up to five reminders to achieve a 96% rate on bill settlement, clearly indicating the importance of SMS communications in ensuring high payment rates. Retailers can use SMS to not just deliver invoices and statements, but to also send payment reminders. They can leverage SMSEagle’s ready-to-use APIs for integration into any accounting software, where such reminders can be programmed based on the billing cycle. For invoicing, they can integrate for example with Zoho Inventory (via Zapier) to trigger an SMS whenever a new invoice is created. This can be used for content subscriptions, postpaid plans, utility services and even credit repayments.

Thank you for shopping with us!

With m-commerce continuing to flourish, user identification increasingly relying on mobile identities, and the need to engage customers more pronounced than ever, SMS has never been a better channel for order communications and billing reminders. SMSEagle SMS/MMS Gateway makes this simple and cost-effective with its range of ready-to-use APIs, local charges and bulk messaging capabilities, empowering retailers regardless of their existing systems, offerings and size.

Create the right solution for your business!

Your obstacles are unique, and the solutions for them should be too. The functions of SMSEagle allows businesses to incorporate SMS communications into their systems in a way that makes sense to them. To find out how, get in touch with our team.

Mission Possible: Connecting Citizens, First Responders and Critical Operations with SMS

Mission critical systems underpin operations and industries that form the essential backbone of economies and governments. Notable examples include first responders such as the police, firefighters and paramedics, as well as sectors such as the utilities and railway. Nevertheless, these systems are susceptible to various performance, operational and security issues, requiring real-time communications to ensure that the slightest disruption can be addressed and mitigated in time.

As critical operations tend to be sparse and may sometimes involve thousands of personnel, detecting and communicating issues within these environments can be an uphill task. In the case of first responders, for example, army personnel, firefighters and emergency workers may need to be deployed at a plane crash site within minutes, involving the coordination of many different teams and departments.

Given that all critical operations are essentially ‘critical’, and most often happen in scenarios where default networks such as the Internet may not be the fastest, safest and most easily available option, SMS offers a superior communications method that ensures immediate reach, boasting not only high read rates but also an omnipresent channel that is accessible to all.

Integrating in-silo response systems into a single communications channel

For large scale operations involving multiple taskforces or units, SMS can address a fragmented communications framework where proprietary and disparate radio networks are used by different teams, resulting in delays and miscommunications. SMSEagle SMS/MMS Gateway, for example, addresses this by integrating all touchpoints involved in a critical mission into its database of recipients, allowing key updates and commands to be broadcasted to everyone involved. This enables operations to be scaled accordingly, with messages cascaded quickly to team members, for example the entire field force of a power plant.

In the case of IoT and IIoT, sensors and third party devices linked to SMSEagle SMS/MMS Gateway can enable the real-time monitoring of critical facilities such as nuclear plants and oil rigs. For example, routine power grid inspections and monitoring of metro trains can leverage SMS-based communications to enable sensors to deliver operational logs to the controlling unit on information such as transmission load or journey times. Likewise, operational and maintenance updates can be sent to the team on the ground and also relayed to the sensors directly via SMS. SMS-based surveillance and management also helps in detecting disasters such as fires. For example, the SMSEagle integration plugin with AVTECH Room Alert or Pfau LISA enables fire and rescue departments to detect fires and floods in real-time where sensors alert them via automated SMS notifications. Where advanced API-based application links are in place, these notifications can be returned with automated responses that trigger, for example, connected sprinklers or water pumps to turn on automatically.

Keeping everyone informed

SMS plays another key role in mission critical communications. It enable vital instructions and information to reach the most affected parties – the victims. Using dedicated SMS channels, victims can send messages to first responders and establish communications where all other means of reaching out are exhausted. For example, first responders can get in touch with members of a local community during a breakout of a pandemic. Likewise, in the case of a heist where residents are locked up in an apartment or dormitory, solutions such as SMSEagle SMS/MMS Gateway provide a ready means for passing updates and keeping the victims informed, and also enable critical information provided by a single victim to be looped back into the system and broadcasted to all other victims affected by the same emergency.

SMS on a mission

SMS messaging via SMSEagle SMS/MMS Gateway not only makes the most out of existing cellular infrastructure and investments, but provides an easy to integrate, forward solution that is compatible with automated response systems and is highly configurable to the needs of any critical mission.

Create the right solution for your operation

Your obstacles are unique, and the solutions for them should be too. The functions of SMSEagle allow critical operations units to incorporate SMS communications into their systems in a way that makes sense to them. To find out how SMSEagle will allow you to create the solution you need, get in touch with our team.

Acing School Communications with SMS

Critical weather updates sent over email and contest invitations pinned on bulletin boards are just a few of the many communication mistakes schools tend to make in delivering important information to parents. When it comes to school communications, traditional methods like these are losing their appeal. Schools need an alternative that is both cost-efficient and can get the attention of parents immediately. Even dedicated school websites and information portals do not fit the bill – parents hardly have the time to check their emails, let alone updates published on obscure third party platforms.

Another message from school

School communications encompass a diverse range of matters, from trivial updates such as open days and carnivals to critical alerts such as floods and disease outbreaks. With 55% of K-12 parents preferring texting over other channels, SMS messaging offers schools the best of both worlds by combining speed and scalability. SMS can be used for both regular and critical updates, boasting minimal costs, higher reach and substantially higher read rates.

The many types of communications

SMS is the perfect tool for one-to-one, one-sided notifications such as reminders to pick up children after class. SMSEagle SMS/MMS Gateway can be used for example, to inform parents that registration for a karate classes has been completed or that the child has successfully enrolled into a chess competition. This enables SMS to become an integral part of the student registration pipeline, removing the need for third-party platforms which are often deployed to track enrolments. By linking up student data apps such as with the SMSEagle gateway, notifications are automatically triggered every time a new record is added.

Broadcast of critical alerts

SMSEagle SMS/MMS Gateway broadcast service can provide crucial security and safety for schools. Emergencies such as a fire breakout, an armed attack or a sudden snow storm can be communicated to all parents at once, along with safety instructions and other important information. This prevents miscommunications during hours of panic and removes potential mishaps. SMSEagle SMS/MMS Gateway can also serve as an internal broadcast tool, keeping teachers and school staff informed whenever typical loudspeaker and traditional bell messages fail to reach them.

Last minute notices

SMS communications supports unlimited recipients and allows last minute notices and updates to reach students and parents in any location reliably and punctually. Integrated with the school’s student database, it can be used for fast reach to different recipient classes for customized messages and targeted communications. Schools can alert parents of upcoming events, remind them of school breaks, holidays and results collection days.

Given its scalability, cost effectiveness and easy-to-deploy form factor, any school can benefit from SMSEagle SMS/MMS Gateway. All a school needs is a single hardware and a local SIM to set up a reliable and robust medium of communication that can greatly alleviate their administrative burden while keeping parents and students well informed.

Create the right solution for your school

Your obstacles are unique, and the solutions for them should be too. The functions of SMSEagle allow schools to incorporate SMS communications into their systems in a way that makes sense to them. To find out how, get in touch with our team.

SMSEagle NXS-9700-4G & NXS-9750-4G Receive PTCRB Approval and AT&T Certification

Poznań, Poland, October 24th, 2022 – Proximus Sp. z o.o., the leading manufacturer of hardware SMS gateways under the SMSEagle brand, announced that NXS-9700-4G and NXS-9750-4G devices have received the PTCRB Certificate of Compliance which recognizes the devices as meeting the requirements of the PTCRB Certification Program and are ready for deployment on AT&T’s 4G network in the United States.

„PTCRB defines the test requirements to verify compliance with global industry standards for wireless cellular devices. Member operators are committed to ensuring device quality through a rigorous certification process. The PTCRB certification program provides confidence that devices conform with global standards and perform optimally on mobile wireless networks.” (source: PTCRB website)

About SMSEagle

SMSEagle is a professional hardware SMS/MMS gateway for sending and receiving SMS/MMS messages. The device is designed with focus on reliability and stability. Messages are sent/received directly to/from cellular network without using any external 3rd party solutions. The device has a range of built-in plugins that enable additional functionalities and easy to use API for integration with external applications.

Powering Public Sector Communications with SMS

When one thinks of internal government communications, several legacy systems come to mind. Memos. Pagers. Fax. Noticeboards.

Acknowledged as archaic and ineffective, many administrative bodies across the world have begun to phase these out in favour of newer technologies. Much like regular enterprises, when it comes to selecting the right communication channel, the emphasis is often on accessibility, prevalence as well as efficiency and reliability. For the public sector, another important consideration that often weighs in on these decisions are data protection laws and confidentiality. Combined, these requirements render popular means of communication such as emails and chat apps unfitting, leaving employees to grapple with chunky proprietary communication systems that are difficult to access, use or integrate.

Boasting unparalleled accessibility and reach, SMS messaging presents the public sector with a great alternative to these systems. Delivered over cellular networks, SMS messages are able to reach all types of mobile devices and Internet-inaccessible areas. With read rates of over 90%, they make a good fit for critical operations and important announcements.

To meet public sector requirements, however, SMS communication must be supported by a solution that ensures data sovereignty and confidentiality. This is where SMSEagle SMS/MMS Gateway comes in. As hardware that is deployed on-premises, government and public sector departments have full control over their communications gateway. Without having to connect to the Internet, SMSEagle SMS Gateway is shielded from cyber-threats. With all data stored locally in a secure relational database, the gateway is especially useful where employees are required to maintain communication records.

Breaking the rules: SMS for government organizations

Whether it is healthcare information or identity records, government data is often strewn across various repositories which make information retrieval an arduous process. By connecting internal applications to the SMSEagle API, important information can be sent via SMS to employees requesting it. By putting automated systems in place, employees can request, for example, updates on status reports by simply sending a code such as YES to a particular SMSEagle number.

Given that there are plenty of locations with cellular connectivity but no Internet, SMS messaging makes a good fit for remote operations such as wildlife preservation or rural development. Alerts can be sent via SMSEagle SMS Gateway to many employees all at once, notifying them of, for example, a reported illegal logging activity. This can be extended to field workers who cannot attend to desktop applications for updates, and regular employees who share similar tasks but are geographically dispersed – for updates on shift schedules, submission deadlines or requests for meetings.

Being able to deliver timely alerts makes SMS an apt means for critical communications. During emergencies, SMSEagle SMS Gateway is able to disseminate critical information instantaneously, and keep planned actions confidential so that internal efforts are not undermined by malicious third parties. Furthermore, during disasters such as floods or fires, other forms of connectivity are likely to go down, leaving SMS as the only available solution.

Accelerating digital government transformation

Public sector communications can greatly benefit from SMS. SMSEagle SMS/MMS Gateway in particular, is easy to understand and deploy and can be used by any department or unit. It enables the public sector to leverage existing mobile infrastructure and advancements in digital applications to deliver real-time communications – routine, strategic or critical – to keep their teams connected and their services running excellently.

Create the right solution for your operation

Your obstacles are unique, and the solutions for them should be too. The functions of SMSEagle allow government and other organizations to incorporate SMS communications into their systems in a way that makes sense to them. To find out how SMSEagle will allow you to create the solution you need, get in touch with our team.

Expanding Customer Reach and Engagement via SMS Marketing

A trend of the 90s, SMS is all set to make a stellar comeback in enterprise marketing. SMS marketing involves the use of SMS communications to run promotional campaigns and engage customers. Being simple and personal, SMS messages easily attract the trust and attention of users. As such, SMS messages are reaching record visibility rates, with 90% of all text messages being read within three minutes and 99% being read eventually.

Being hassle-free and allowing for unlimited recipients, SMS messages can be delivered to anyone with a phone, even if it is a feature phone, and to any location regardless of Internet connectivity. Beyond this, a simple and standard textual layout make SMS messaging a no-frills communications channel that is ideal for large-scale marketing activities.

Enterprises wishing to take their SMS marketing a notch higher can leverage SMSEagle SMS/MMS Gateway for an integrated SMS solution that is compatible with 2G, 3G, and 4G networks across the globe. The gateway uses local SIMs, allowing enterprises to reap substantial cost savings by using the local mobile network. Enterprises with bulk messaging needs can register further savings by not having to pay third-parties for orchestrating their campaigns as is typical in pay-per-message models. Besides this, the gateway boasts multiple useful features for SMS marketing activities including templated messaging, scheduling, and MMS messaging for richer promotional content, as well as a range of ready-to-use APIs for integration with popular subscriber database and CRM systems.

Across all phases of the customer lifecycle

Successful marketing campaigns are key to customer acquisition. By feeding leads or potential customer databases into SMSEagle SMS/MMS Gateway, enterprises can send hundreds of messages per minute to their target audience, promoting products, services, apps and deals via SMS hyperlinks. As building a convertible sales funnel requires forging deep connections with recipients, enterprises can tap into the gateway’s user-friendly interface to personalize messages based on the recipient’s context.

By leveraging SMSEagle’s API integration with CRM systems such as Zoho CRM, enterprises can automate the delivery of messages to keep their customers updated and engaged. Enterprises can enrich their loyalty programs with automated welcome SMSs and membership offers whenever a new contact is added to the CRM system. Likewise, regular updates such as birthday month deals or text-to-win contests can be programmed based on the field values stored in the customer’s CRM profile. This mechanism works both ways – SMSEagle SMS/MMS Gateway is able to receive responses to these messages and feed them back into the CRM system by using APIs. By incorporating artificial intelligence, these responses can be used by a CRM system to initiate automated, intelligent SMS-based conversations with customers.

Enterprises can also use SMS communications to drive sales by facilitating enquiries, appointment scheduling and purchasing. The SMSEagle API integration with Zapier allows the gateway to connect with multiple customer/order management applications. For example, reminders for appointments scheduled in Google Calendars or Acuity Scheduling can be sent to the SMSEagle SMS/MMS Gateway for onward forwarding to the customer. Likewise, Zapier integrations with e-commerce platforms such as Shopify or WooCommerce enable the sending of SMS voucher redemptions or reward points whenever an order is placed, prompting further purchases.

SMS: the next ‘in’ thing for mass marketing

Messaging via SMS keeps communications with existing and potential customers simple, succinct and real-time, all of which make it an ideal channel for sending out quick reminders, flash deals and last minute promotions. By merging together great campaign messages, rich CRM databases and the capabilities of a robust SMS-based communications solution such as SMSEagle SMS/MMS Gateway, enterprises can successfully launch and run zero-touch outreach campaigns and take their marketing efforts to the next level.

Create the right solution for your operation

Your obstacles are unique, and the solutions for them should be too. The functions of SMSEagle allow companies to incorporate SMS communications into their systems in a way that makes sense to them. To find out how SMSEagle will allow you to create the solution you need, get in touch with our team.

Opening the Door to Intelligent Building Management Systems with SMS-based Alerting and Notifications

Whether it is a central corporate skyscraper, a network of retail outlets, or a fleet of remote warehouses, staying connected to enterprise buildings through effective monitoring and controlling has never been more crucial in ensuring the safety, resiliency and efficiency of enterprises’ day-to-day operations. Building management systems (BMS) in particular, have come a long way in addressing this with the ability to continuously regulate environments, detect security threats and prevent disasters, as well as optimize sustainability and monitor employees.

Connecting buildings via SMS

Many BMS applications are hosted in the cloud. Delivering alerts via these applications requires Internet connectivity. This however may pose major risks to the reliable delivery of such alerts as the last mile connectivity may be impacted by the very events the applications are expected to alert on, or may be temporarily inaccessible due to usual outages or performance issues.

There is also a range of BMS systems that are hosted in offline environments for security reasons. In times of increasing cyberattacks, the offline environment provides a much higher security level. But how do achieve a correct level of alerting and notifications in such a scenario?

In these scenarios, effective monitoring and notification systems can make huge differences. SMS-based communication solutions such as SMSEagle SMS/MMS Gateway can relay alerts from a BMS server to the receiver cell phones, directly to 3G/4G cellular operators, without Internet.

Reporting from the floor

SMS-based alerting systems can be used to support the regulation of a building’s environment. A data center for example, has to operate under minimal temperatures. Detection of changes in this and other parameters such as air flow or humidity levels triggers alerts from the sensors to a locally deployed BMS server. These alerts are automatically forwarded to SMSEagle SMS/MMS Gateway where they are converted into SMS messages and sent over the regular cellular network to the intended recipients.

BMS applications coupled with SMSEagle SMS/MMS Gateway can go a long way in staving off threats such as fires or floods. By having smoke or water sensors installed in key areas, alerts can be sent in real-time to the BMS server and onto the gateway upon the detection of an impending disaster. The SMSEagle integration plugin with AVTECH Room Alert, or Schneider StruxureWare, for instance, can be configured to bypass email servers and send alerts from its wired sensors directly to the gateway, resulting in virtually no points-of-failure. This is especially important during disasters such as earthquakes or hurricanes, which often result in the Internet being inaccessible.

Security threats such as theft, sabotage or espionage need to reach the attention of security staff in real-time so that losses can be minimized. The SMSEagle integration plugin with a security BMS application such as Schneider EcoStruxure™ Security Expert enables visibility across main monitoring points, from entry authentication at elevators to license plate recognition cameras, all of which are linked to the BMS server via the enterprise local area network. From here, threat detection alerts can be sent to the relevant parties immediately.

Enabling smarter buildings

There are many security BMS providers with a worldwide reach. For example, Johnson Controls, a leading security BMS provider, selected SMSEagle SMS Gateway (see Case Study) when it needed to provide its client with a localized alerting system within the LATAM region. Utilizing a local SIM card and offering seamless connectivity to any 2G, 3G or 4G network globally, the gateway delivered cost savings for the client and enabled monitoring across all of its premises worldwide.

From preventing electricity wastage to ensuring fire alarms are attended immediately, SMS-based communication using a Hardware SMS Gateway provides a superior alternative to securing and sustaining the management of today’s connected buildings.

Create the right solution for your operation

Your obstacles are unique, and the solutions for them should be too. The functions of SMSEagle allow BMS to incorporate SMS alerts and notifications into their systems in a way that makes sense to them. To find out how SMSEagle will allow you to create the solution you need, get in touch with our team.