In order to use SMSEagle for sending or receiving messages from any external application or system you have, we have provided the SMS API functionalities. It allows you to send and receive SMS/MMS via API. It also allows you to control other features like Phonebook, Signal strength, Modems, etc.
If you would like to seamlessly and quickly start using SMSEagle’s APIv1, please look at code samples page.
API Authentication
Before you can start using API, first you need to enable API access.
- Go to Web-GUI > menu Users
- Create a new User with access level “User”
- Click on “Access to API” next to the newly created user
- Enable “APIv1” and select all methods under “APIv1 Permission” (optionally you may limit access only to selected API methods)
- Choose API authentication method. This can be either:
- access token (recommended solution)
Edit your API access > click “Generate new token” and generate a new access token. The token will be used to authenticate in API methods.
or - login and password
Edit your API access > click “Enable user/password authentication (APIv1 only)”. Use your API User credentials to authenticate in API methods.
- access token (recommended solution)
Examples of authentication:
- with access token
https://url-of-smseagle/http_api/send_sms?access_token=0001gOjCOlMH8F2q&to=1234567&message=mymessage - with login and password
API credentials created here will be used to authenticate in all API methods (see descriptions below).
Send SMS: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method: https://url-of-smseagle/http_api/send_sms
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
to | recipient telephone number (or numbers separated with comma) |
message | your SMS message |
date | (optional parameter) date and time in format YYYYmmDDHHMM (YYYY – year, mm – month, DD – day, HH – hour, MM – minute). If this parameter is not null SMS will be scheduled for sending at the given date and time |
highpriority | (optional parameter) 0 = normal priority, 1-9 = SMS will have higher priority in Outbox queue when processed by 3G/4G-modem (9 = highest priority). |
unicode | (optional parameter) 0 = no Unicode encoding (default), 1 = SMS will be encoded using Unicode (you can send national characters) |
flash | (optional parameter) 0 = normal SMS (default), 1 = SMS will be sent as flash message |
oid | (optional parameter) This attribute specifies a user-defined unique ID that is assigned to a message-recipient pair. The oid is a varchar(36) that uniquely identifies a message sent to a particular recipient (particular phone number). The value of this ID allows client applications to match incoming reply messages to outgoing messages. If no oid was assigned to the outgoing message this attribute will have a value of null for incoming message. The oid value will be automatically assigned to incoming message only if incoming phone number matches exactly the phone number (including country code) from outgoing message. |
modem_no | (optional parameter) sending modem number (only for multimodem devices) |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
validity | (optional parameter) How long will be the message valid. If message expires before it is received by a phone, the message will be discarded by cellular network. Acceptable parameter values: 5m, 10m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 12h, 1d, 2d, 5d, 1w, 2w, 4w, max. Default value: max |
send_after | (optional parameter) send a message after a specified time. It can be used to prevent messages from being sent at night. Format: HH:MM:SS (HH – hour, MM – minute, SS – second) |
send_before | (optional parameter) send a message before a specified time. It can be used to prevent messages from being sent at night. Format: HH:MM:SS (HH – hour, MM – minute, SS – second) |
test | (optional parameter) 1 = simulate message sending. Messages with that parameter will not be added to outbox and they will return ID = 0; |
Response: OK; ID=[ID of message in outbox]
Sample response: OK; ID=297
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when wrong parameters): Wrong parameters
Response (XML):
<message_id>[ID of message in outbox]</message_id>
Sample response:
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid access token</error_text>
Response (when wrong parameters):
<error_text>Wrong parameters</error_text>
Important notice: You must encode URL before sending it to gateway if you use national characters in SMS message text.
Send SMS/MMS: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method call: https://url-of-smseagle/jsonrpc/sms
Sample Body:
{“method”:”sms.send_sms”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″,”to”:”481234567″,”message”:”My message”}}
{“method”:”sms.send_sms”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″,”to”:”481234567″,”message”:”My message”,”date”:”201401152132″}}
{“method”:”sms.send_sms”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″,”to”:”481234567″,”message”:”My message”,”highpriority”:”1″}}
Sample Body (MMS):
{“method”:”sms.send_sms”, “params”:{„access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8”,”to”:”481234567″,”message”:”My message”,”message_type”:”mms”,
“attachments”: [{
“content “:”/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAE(…)”,
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
to | recipient telephone number (or numbers separated with comma) |
message | your SMS message |
date | (optional parameter) date and time in format YYYYmmDDHHMM (YYYY – year, mm – month, DD – day, HH – hour, MM – minute). If this parameter is not null SMS will be scheduled for sending at the given date and time |
highpriority | (optional parameter) 0 = normal priority, 1-9 = SMS will have higher priority in Outbox queue when processed by 3G/4G-modem (9 = highest priority). |
unicode | (optional parameter) 0 = no Unicode encoding (default), 1 = SMS will be encoded using Unicode (you can send national characters) |
flash | (optional parameter) 0 = normal SMS (default), 1 = SMS will be sent as flash message |
oid | (optional parameter) This attribute specifies a user-defined unique ID that is assigned to a message-recipient pair. The oid is a varchar(36) that uniquely identifies a message sent to a particular recipient (particular phone number). The value of this ID allows client applications to match incoming reply messages to outgoing messages. If no oid was assigned to the outgoing message this attribute will have a value of null for incoming message. The oid value will be automatically assigned to incoming message only if incoming phone number matches exactly the phone number (including country code) from outgoing message. |
modem_no | (optional parameter) sending modem number (only for multimodem devices) |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
validity | (optional parameter) How long will be the message valid. If message expires before it is received by a phone, the message will be discarded by cellular network. Acceptable parameter values: 5m, 10m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 12h, 1d, 2d, 5d, 1w, 2w, 4w, max. Default value: max |
send_after | (optional parameter) send a message after a specified time. It can be used to prevent messages from being sent at night. Format: HH:MM:SS (HH – hour, MM – minute, SS – second) |
send_before | (optional parameter) send a message before a specified time. It can be used to prevent messages from being sent at night. Format: HH:MM:SS (HH – hour, MM – minute, SS – second) |
message_type | (optional parameter) sms = normal SMS (default), mms = multimedia message MMS |
attachments | (optional parameter) this parameter is only used when parameter message_type=mms The parameter accepts array with MMS attachments. Each array element must contain: • content_type: mime type of attached file. Supported mime-types: image/jpeg, image/gif, image/png, image/bmp • content: file content with data encoded in base64 |
test | (optional parameter) 1 = simulate message sending. Messages with that parameter will not be added to outbox and they will return ID = 0; |
Response: {“result”: “OK; ID=[ID of message in outbox]”}
Sample response: {“result”: “OK; ID=297”}
Response: {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: “Invalid access token”}
Response: {“result”: “Wrong parameters”}
Response:{“result”:{“message_id”:”[ID ofmessage in outbox]”,”status”:”ok”}}
Sample response:{“result”:{“message_id”:”748″,”status”:”ok”}}
Sample response when parameter “to” contains multiple phone numbers:
Response(when wrong logindata):{“result”:{“error_text”:”Invalid login or password”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong parameters):{“result”:{“error_text”:”Wrong parameters”,”status”:”error”}}
Send SMS to a group: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method: https://url-of-smseagle/http_api/send_togroup
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
groupname | group name defined in your SMSEagle Phonebook. The group must be defined as Public |
message | your SMS message |
date | (optional parameter) date and time in format YYYYmmDDHHMM (YYYY – year, mm – month, DD – day, HH – hour, MM – minute). If this parameter is not null SMS will be scheduled for sending at the given date and time |
highpriority | (optional parameter) 0 = normal priority, 1-9 = SMS will have higher priority in Outbox queue when processed by 3G/4G-modem (9 = highest priority). |
unicode | (optional parameter) 0 = no Unicode encoding (default), 1 = SMS will be encoded using Unicode (you can send national characters) |
flash | (optional parameter) 0 = normal SMS (default), 1 = SMS will be sent as flash message |
modem_no | (optional parameter) sending modem number (only for multimodem devices) |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
validity | (optional parameter) How long will be the message valid. If message expires before it is received by a phone, the message will be discarded by cellular network. Acceptable parameter values: 5m, 10m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 12h, 1d, 2d, 5d, 1w, 2w, 4w, max. Default value: max |
send_after | (optional parameter) send a message after a specified time. It can be used to prevent messages from being sent at night. Format: HH:MM:SS (HH – hour, MM – minute, SS – second) |
send_before | (optional parameter) send a message before a specified time. It can be used to prevent messages from being sent at night. Format: HH:MM:SS (HH – hour, MM – minute, SS – second) |
test | (optional parameter) 1 = simulate message sending. Messages with that parameter will not be added to outbox and they will return ID = 0; |
Response: OK; ID=[ID of message in outbox]
Sample response: OK; ID=297
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when wrong parameters): Wrong parameters
<message_id>[ID of message in outbox]</message_id>
Sample response:
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid access token</error_text>
Response (when wrong parameters):
<error_text>Wrong parameters</error_text>
Important notice: You must encode URL before sending it to gateway if you use national characters in SMS message text.
Send SMS/MMS to a group: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method: https://url-of-smseagle/jsonrpc/sms
Sample body:
{“method”:”sms.send_togroup”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″,”groupname”:”admins”,”message”:”mymessage”}}
{“method”:”sms.send_togroup”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″,”groupname”:”admins”,”message”:”mymessage”,”date”:”201401152132″}}
{“method”:”sms.send_togroup”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″,”groupname”:”admins”,”message”:”mymessage”,”highpriority”:”1″}}
Sample Body (MMS):
{“method”:”sms.send_sms”, “params”:{„access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8”,”to”:”481234567″,”message”:”My message”,”message_type”:”mms”,
“attachments”: [{
“content “:”/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAE(…)”,
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
groupname | group name defined in your SMSEagle Phonebook. The group must be defined as Public |
message | your SMS message |
date | (optional parameter) date and time in format YYYYmmDDHHMM (YYYY – year, mm – month, DD – day, HH – hour, MM – minute). If this parameter is not null SMS will be scheduled for sending at the given date and time |
highpriority | (optional parameter) 0 = normal priority, 1-9 = SMS will have higher priority in Outbox queue when processed by 3G/4G-modem (9 = highest priority). |
unicode | (optional parameter) 0 = no Unicode encoding (default), 1 = SMS will be encoded using Unicode (you can send national characters) |
flash | (optional parameter) 0 = normal SMS (default), 1 = SMS will be sent as flash message |
oid | (optional parameter) This attribute specifies a user-defined unique ID that is assigned to a message-recipient pair. The oid is a varchar(36) that uniquely identifies a message sent to a particular recipient (particular phone number). The value of this ID allows client applications to match incoming reply messages to outgoing messages. If no oid was assigned to the outgoing message this attribute will have a value of null for incoming message. The oid value will be automatically assigned to incoming message only if incoming phone number matches exactly the phone number (including country code) from outgoing message. |
modem_no | (optional parameter) sending modem number (only for multimodem devices) |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
validity | (optional parameter) How long will be the message valid. If message expires before it is received by a phone, the message will be discarded by cellular network. Acceptable parameter values: 5m, 10m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 12h, 1d, 2d, 5d, 1w, 2w, 4w, max. Default value: max |
send_after | (optional parameter) send a message after a specified time. It can be used to prevent messages from being sent at night. Format: HH:MM:SS (HH – hour, MM – minute, SS – second) |
send_before | (optional parameter) send a message before a specified time. It can be used to prevent messages from being sent at night. Format: HH:MM:SS (HH – hour, MM – minute, SS – second) |
message_type | (optional parameter) sms = normal SMS (default), mms = multimedia message MMS |
attachments | (optional parameter) this parameter is only used when parameter message_type=mms The parameter accepts array with MMS attachments. Each array element must contain: • content_type: mime type of attached file. Supported mime-types: image/jpeg, image/gif, image/png, image/bmp • content: file content with data encoded in base64 |
test | (optional parameter) 1 = simulate message sending. Messages with that parameter will not be added to outbox and they will return ID = 0; |
Response: {“result”: “OK; ID=[ID of message in outbox]”}
Sample response: {“result”: “OK; ID=[297]”}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: “Invalid access token”}
Response (when wrong parameters): {“result”: “Wrong parameters”}
Send SMS to a contact: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method: https://url-of-smseagle/http_api/send_tocontact
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
contactname | contact name (or names separated by comma) defined in your SMSEagle Phonebook . Contacts must be defined as Public |
message | your SMS message |
date | (optional parameter) date and time in format YYYYmmDDHHMM (YYYY – year, mm – month, DD – day, HH – hour, MM – minute). If this parameter is not null SMS will be scheduled for sending at the given date and time |
highpriority | (optional parameter) 0 = normal priority, 1-9 = SMS will have higher priority in Outbox queue when processed by 3G/4G-modem (9 = highest priority). |
unicode | (optional parameter) 0 = no Unicode encoding (default), 1 = SMS will be encoded using Unicode (you can send national characters) |
flash | (optional parameter) 0 = normal SMS (default), 1 = SMS will be sent as flash message |
modem_no | (optional parameter) sending modem number (only for multimodem devices) |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
validity | (optional parameter) How long will be the message valid. If message expires before it is received by a phone, the message will be discarded by cellular network. Acceptable parameter values: 5m, 10m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 12h, 1d, 2d, 5d, 1w, 2w, 4w, max. Default value: max |
send_after | (optional parameter) send a message after a specified time. It can be used to prevent messages from being sent at night. Format: HH:MM:SS (HH – hour, MM – minute, SS – second) |
send_before | (optional parameter) send a message before a specified time. It can be used to prevent messages from being sent at night. Format: HH:MM:SS (HH – hour, MM – minute, SS – second) |
test | (optional parameter) 1 = simulate message sending. Messages with that parameter will not be added to outbox and they will return ID = 0; |
Response: OK; ID=[ID of message in outbox]
Sample response: OK; ID=297
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when contact doesn’t exist): Invalid contact name – [contact_name]
Response (when wrong parameters): Wrong parameters
<message_id>[ID of message in outbox]</message_id>
Sample response:
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid access token</error_text>
Response (when contact doesn’t exist):
<error_text>Invalid contact name – [contact_name]</error_text>
Response (when wrong parameters):
<error_text>Wrong parameters</error_text>
Important notice: You must encode URL before sending it to gateway if you use national characters in SMS message text.
Send SMS/MMS to a contact: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method: https://url-of-smseagle/jsonrpc/sms
Sample body:
{“method”:”sms.send_tocontact”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″,”contactname”:”johndoe”,”message”:”mymessage”}}
{“method”:”sms.send_tocontact”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″,”contactname”:”johndoe”,”message”:”mymessage”,”date”:”201401152132″}}
{“method”:”sms.send_tocontact”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″,”contactname”:”admins”,”message”:”mymessage”,”highpriority”:”1″}}
Sample Body (MMS):
{“method”:”sms.send_sms”, “params”:{„access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8”,”to”:”481234567″,”message”:”My message”,”message_type”:”mms”,
“attachments”: [{
“content “:”/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wBDAAE(…)”,
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
to | recipient telephone number (or numbers separated with comma) |
message | your SMS message |
date | (optional parameter) date and time in format YYYYmmDDHHMM (YYYY – year, mm – month, DD – day, HH – hour, MM – minute). If this parameter is not null SMS will be scheduled for sending at the given date and time |
highpriority | (optional parameter) 0 = normal priority, 1-9 = SMS will have higher priority in Outbox queue when processed by 3G/4G-modem (9 = highest priority). |
unicode | (optional parameter) 0 = no Unicode encoding (default), 1 = SMS will be encoded using Unicode (you can send national characters) |
flash | (optional parameter) 0 = normal SMS (default), 1 = SMS will be sent as flash message |
oid | (optional parameter) This attribute specifies a user-defined unique ID that is assigned to a message-recipient pair. The oid is a varchar(36) that uniquely identifies a message sent to a particular recipient (particular phone number). The value of this ID allows client applications to match incoming reply messages to outgoing messages. If no oid was assigned to the outgoing message this attribute will have a value of null for incoming message. The oid value will be automatically assigned to incoming message only if incoming phone number matches exactly the phone number (including country code) from outgoing message. |
modem_no | (optional parameter) sending modem number (only for multimodem devices) |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
validity | (optional parameter) How long will be the message valid. If message expires before it is received by a phone, the message will be discarded by cellular network. Acceptable parameter values: 5m, 10m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, 12h, 1d, 2d, 5d, 1w, 2w, 4w, max. Default value: max |
send_after | (optional parameter) send a message after a specified time. It can be used to prevent messages from being sent at night. Format: HH:MM:SS (HH – hour, MM – minute, SS – second) |
send_before | (optional parameter) send a message before a specified time. It can be used to prevent messages from being sent at night. Format: HH:MM:SS (HH – hour, MM – minute, SS – second) |
message_type | (optional parameter) sms = normal SMS (default), mms = multimedia message MMS |
attachments | (optional parameter) this parameter is only used when parameter message_type=mms The parameter accepts array with MMS attachments. Each array element must contain: • content_type: mime type of attached file. Supported mime-types: image/jpeg, image/gif, image/png, image/bmp • content: file content with data encoded in base64 |
test | (optional parameter) 1 = simulate message sending. Messages with that parameter will not be added to outbox and they will return ID = 0; |
Response: {“result”: “OK; ID=[ID of message in outbox]”}
Sample response: {“result”: “OK; ID=[297]”}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: “Invalid access token”}
Response (when contact doesn’t exist): {“result”: “Invalid contact name – contact_name]”}
Response (when wrong parameters): {“result”: “Wrong parameters”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong parameters):{“result”:{“error_text”:”Wrong parameters”,”status”:”error”}}
Send binary SMS: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method: https://url-of-smseagle/http_api/send_binary_sms
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
to | recipient telephone number (or numbers separated with comma) |
udh | (optional parameter) UDH header for the message (in hex format) |
data | binary message (in hex format) |
class | (optional parameter) message class |
modem_no | (optional parameter) sending modem number (only for multimodem devices) |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
test | (optional parameter) 1 = simulate message sending. Messages with that parameter will not be added to outbox and they will return ID = 0; |
Response: OK; ID=[ID of message in outbox]
Sample response: OK; ID=297
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when wrong parameters): Wrong or missing >>udh<< parameter
Response (when wrong parameters): Wrong or missing >>data<< parameter
Response (XML):
<message_id>[ID of message in outbox]</message_id>
Sample response:
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid access token</error_text>
Response (when wrong parameters):
<error_text> Wrong or missing >>udh<< parameter </error_text>
Response (when wrong parameters):
<error_text> Wrong or missing >>data<< parameter </error_text>
Send binary SMS: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method: https://url-of-smseagle/jsonrpc/sms
Sample body:
{“method”:”sms.send_binary_sms”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″,”to”:”1234567″,”udh”:”0605040B8423F0″,”data”:”EA0601AE02056A0045C60C037777772E736D736561676C652E657500080103534D534561676C65000101″}}
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
to | recipient telephone number (or numbers separated with comma) |
udh | (optional parameter) UDH header for the message (in hex format) |
data | binary message (in hex format) |
class | (optional parameter) message class |
modem_no | (optional parameter) sending modem number (only for multimodem devices) |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
test | (optional parameter) 1 = simulate message sending. Messages with that parameter will not be added to outbox and they will return ID = 0; |
Response: {“result”: “OK; ID=[ID of message in outbox]”}
Sample response: {“result”: “OK; ID=297”}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: “Invalid access token”}
Response (when wrong parameters): {“result”: “Wrong or missing >>udh<< parameter”}
Send USSD-code: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method: https://url-of-smseagle/http_api/send_ussd
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
to | USSD code (urlencoded) |
modem_no | (optional parameter) sending modem number (only for multimodem devices) |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
Response: OK; ID=[ID of message in outbox]
Sample response: OK; ID=297
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when wrong parameters): Wrong parameters
Response (XML):
<message_id>[ID of message in outbox]</message_id>
Sample response:
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid access token</error_text>
Response (when wrong parameters):
<error_text> Wrong parameters </error_text>
Important notice: Response from 3G/4G network will show up in Inbox folder.
Send USSD-code: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method: https://url-of-smseagle/jsonrpc/sms
Sample body:
{“method”:”sms.send_ussd”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″,”to”:”*101#”}}
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
to | USSD-code |
modem_no | (optional parameter) sending modem number (only for multimodem devices) |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
Response: {“result”: “OK; ID=[ID of message in outbox]”}
Sample response: {“result”: “OK; ID=297”}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: “Invalid access token”}
Response (when wrong parameters): {“result”: “Wrong parameters”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Read SMS: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method: https://url-of-smseagle/http_api/read_sms
Show all messages from inbox:
Show all unread messages from inbox:
Show messages from sentitems folder with id=1234 to 1236:
Show messages from inbox folder with sender phone number +481234567:
Show messages from sentitems folder with receiver phone number 7654321 and datetime from 2014-12-24 08:10:00 to 2014-12-31 23:59:59:
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
folder | one of the following: inbox, outbox, sentitems, sendingerror |
idfrom | (optional parameter) minimal message-id |
idto | (optional parameter) maximum message-id |
from | (optional parameter) telephone number of SMS sender (for inbox) |
to | (optional parameter) telephone number of SMS receiver (for sentitems) |
datefrom | (optional parameter) date and time in format YYYYmmDDHHMMSS (YYYY – year, mm – month, DD – day, HH – hour, MM – minutes, SS – seconds). Show only messages sent/received on this date/time and later |
dateto | (optional parameter) date and time in format YYYYmmDDHHMMSS (YYYY – year, mm – month, DD – day, HH – hour, MM – minutes, SS – seconds). Show only messages sent/received on this date/time and earlier |
limit | (optional parameter) how many messages to show |
unread | (optional parameter) 1 = show only unread messages |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
createdby | (optional parameter) username or email (if message was sent via Email to SMS) of sending user |
modem_no | (optional parameter) sending modem number (only for multimodem devices) |
Sample responses: inbox folder, sentitems folder
Response (when no data): No data to display
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when wrong parameters): Wrong parameters
Response (XML):
Sample response: inbox folder, sentitems folder
Response (when no data):
<error_text>No data to display</error_text>
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid access token</error_text>
Response (when wrong parameters):
<error_text>Wrong parameters</error_text>
Read SMS/MMS: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method: https://url-of-smseagle/jsonrpc/sms
Samle body:
Show all messages from inbox:
Show all unread messages from inbox:
Show messages from sentitems folder with id=1234 to 1236:
Show messages from inbox folder with sender phone number +481234567:
Show messages from sentitems folder with receiver phone number 7654321 and datetime from 2014-12-24 08:10:00 to 2014-12-31 23:59:59:
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
folder | one of the following: inbox, outbox, sentitems, sendingerror |
idfrom | (optional parameter) minimal message-id |
idto | (optional parameter) maximum message-id |
from | (optional parameter) telephone number of SMS sender (for inbox) |
to | (optional parameter) telephone number of SMS receiver (for sentitems) |
datefrom | (optional parameter) date and time in format YYYYmmDDHHMMSS (YYYY – year, mm – month, DD – day, HH – hour, MM – minutes, SS – seconds). Show only messages sent/received on this date/time and later |
dateto | (optional parameter) date and time in format YYYYmmDDHHMMSS (YYYY – year, mm – month, DD – day, HH – hour, MM – minutes, SS – seconds). Show only messages sent/received on this date/time and earlier |
limit | (optional parameter) how many messages to show |
unread | (optional parameter) 1 = show only unread messages |
custom | (optional parameter) name of My Folder (custom folder defined in Web-GUI) to read from |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
createdby | (optional parameter) username or email (if message was sent via Email to SMS) of sending user |
modem_no | (optional parameter) sending modem number (only for multimodem devices) |
include_attachments | (optional parameter) add attachments for MMS messages |
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”:”Invalid access token”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Delete SMS: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method: https://url-of-smseagle/http_api/delete_sms
Delete message with id=1234 from inbox:
Delete messages with id 1234 – 1250 from inbox:
Delete all messages from outbox:
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
folder | one of the following: inbox, outbox, sentitems |
idfrom | minimal id of message |
idto | maximal id of message |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
Response: OK
Response (when delete operation was not successful): Error
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (XML):
Response (when delete operation was not successful):
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid access token</error_text>
Delete SMS: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method: https://url-of-smseagle/jsonrpc/sms
Sample body:
Delete message with id=1234 from inbox:
{“method”:”sms.delete_sms”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″,”folder”:”inbox”,”idfrom”:”1234″”idto”:”1234″}}
Delete messages with id 1234 – 1250 from inbox:
{“method”:”sms.delete_sms”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″,”folder”:”inbox”,”idfrom”:”1234″,”idto”:”1250″}}
Delete all messages from outbox:
{“method”:”sms.delete_sms”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″,”folder”:”outbox”,”idfrom”:”1″,”idto”:”999999999″}}
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
folder | one of the following: inbox, outbox, sentitems |
idfrom | minimal id of message |
idto | maximal id of message |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
Response: {“result”: “OK”}
Response (when delete operation was not successful): {“result”: “Error”}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: “Invalid access token”}
Response (Extended):
Response: {“result”:{“status”:”ok”}}
Response (when delete operation was not successful): {“result”:{“status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid login or password”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Get outgoing queue length: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method: https://url-of-smseagle/http_api/get_queue_length
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
modem_no | (optional parameter) sending modem number (only for multimodem devices) |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
datefrom | (optional parameter) date and time in format YYYYmmDDHHMMSS (YYYY – year, mm – month, DD – day, HH – hour, MM – minutes, SS – seconds). Show only messages sent/received on this date/time and later |
dateto | (optional parameter) date and time in format YYYYmmDDHHMMSS (YYYY – year, mm – month, DD – day, HH – hour, MM – minutes, SS – seconds). Show only messages sent/received on this date/time and earlier |
Response: [number of messages in database that wait to be processed by 3G/4G-modem]
Sample response: 7
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when wrong parameters): Wrong parameters
Response (XML):
[number of messages in database that wait to be processed by 3G/4G-modem]
</queue_length >
Sample response:
<queue_length>7</queue_length >
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid access token</error_text>
Response (when wrong parameters):
<error_text>Wrong parameters</error_text>
Get outgoing queue length: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method call: https://url-of-smseagle/jsonrpc/sms
Sample body:
{“method”:”sms.get_queue_length”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″}}
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
modem_no | (optional parameter) sending modem number (only for multimodem devices) |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
datefrom | (optional parameter) date and time in format YYYYmmDDHHMMSS (YYYY – year, mm – month, DD – day, HH – hour, MM – minutes, SS – seconds). Show only messages sent/received on this date/time and later |
dateto | (optional parameter) date and time in format YYYYmmDDHHMMSS (YYYY – year, mm – month, DD – day, HH – hour, MM – minutes, SS – seconds). Show only messages sent/received on this date/time and earlier |
Response: {“result”: [number of messages in database that wait to be processed by 3G/4G-modem]}
Sample response: {“result”:7}
Response: {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: “Invalid access token”}
Response: {“result”: “Wrong parameters”}
Response: {“result”:{“queue_length”:[number of messages in database that wait to be processed by 3G/4G-modem],”status”:”ok”}}
Sample response: {“result”: {“queue_length”:”419″,”status”:”ok”}}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid login or password”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong parameters): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong parameters”,”status”:”error”}}
Get inbox length: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method: https://url-of-smseagle/http_api/get_inbox_length
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
modem_no | (optional parameter) sending modem number (only for multimodem devices) |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
datefrom | (optional parameter) date and time in format YYYYmmDDHHMMSS (YYYY – year, mm – month, DD – day, HH – hour, MM – minutes, SS – seconds). Show only messages sent/received on this date/time and later |
dateto | (optional parameter) date and time in format YYYYmmDDHHMMSS (YYYY – year, mm – month, DD – day, HH – hour, MM – minutes, SS – seconds). Show only messages sent/received on this date/time and earlier |
Response: [number of messages in database Inbox folder]
Sample response: 3
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when wrong parameters): Wrong parameters
[number of messages in database Inbox folder]
Sample response:
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid access token</error_text>
Response (when wrong parameters):
<error_text>Wrong parameters</error_text>
Get inbox length: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method: https://url-of-smseagle/jsonrpc/sms
Sample body:
{“method”:”sms.get_inbox_length”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″}}
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
modem_no | (optional parameter) sending modem number (only for multimodem devices) |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
datefrom | (optional parameter) date and time in format YYYYmmDDHHMMSS (YYYY – year, mm – month, DD – day, HH – hour, MM – minutes, SS – seconds). Show only messages sent/received on this date/time and later |
dateto | (optional parameter) date and time in format YYYYmmDDHHMMSS (YYYY – year, mm – month, DD – day, HH – hour, MM – minutes, SS – seconds). Show only messages sent/received on this date/time and earlier |
Response: {“result”: “[number of messages in database Inbox folder]”}
Sample response: 3
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: “Invalid access token”}
Response (when wrong parameters): {“result”: “Wrong parameters”}
Response: {“result”:{“inbox_length”:[number of messages in database Inbox folder],”status”:”ok”}}
Sample response: {“result”: {“inbox_length”:”3″,”status”:”ok”}}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid login or password”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong parameters): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong parameters”,”status”:”error”}}
Get sentitems length: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method: https://url-of-smseagle/http_api/get_sentitems_length
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
modem_no | (optional parameter) sending modem number (only for multimodem devices) |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
datefrom | (optional parameter) date and time in format YYYYmmDDHHMMSS (YYYY – year, mm – month, DD – day, HH – hour, MM – minutes, SS – seconds). Show only messages sent/received on this date/time and later |
dateto | (optional parameter) date and time in format YYYYmmDDHHMMSS (YYYY – year, mm – month, DD – day, HH – hour, MM – minutes, SS – seconds). Show only messages sent/received on this date/time and earlier |
Response: [number of messages in database Sentitems folder]
Sample response: 21
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when wrong parameters): Wrong parameters
Response (XML):
[number of messages in database Inbox folder]
Sample response:
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid access token</error_text>
Response (when wrong parameters):
<error_text>Wrong parameters</error_text>
Get sentitems length: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method: https://url-of-smseagle/jsonrpc/sms
Sample body:
{“method”:”sms.get_sentitems_length”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″}}
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
modem_no | (optional parameter) sending modem number (only for multimodem devices) |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
datefrom | (optional parameter) date and time in format YYYYmmDDHHMMSS (YYYY – year, mm – month, DD – day, HH – hour, MM – minutes, SS – seconds). Show only messages sent/received on this date/time and later |
dateto | (optional parameter) date and time in format YYYYmmDDHHMMSS (YYYY – year, mm – month, DD – day, HH – hour, MM – minutes, SS – seconds). Show only messages sent/received on this date/time and earlier |
Sample response: {“result”: “21”}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: “Invalid access token”}
Response (when wrong parameters): {“result”: “Wrong parameters”}
Response: {“result”:{“sentitems_length”:[number of messages in database Sentitems folder],”status”:”ok”}}
Sample response: {“result”: {“sentitems_length”:”21″,”status”:”ok”}}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid login or password”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong parameters): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong parameters”,”status”:”error”}}
Get sending error length: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method: https://url-of-smseagle/http_api/get_sendingerror_length
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
modem_no | (optional parameter) sending modem number (only for multimodem devices) |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
datefrom | (optional parameter) date and time in format YYYYmmDDHHMMSS (YYYY – year, mm – month, DD – day, HH – hour, MM – minutes, SS – seconds). Show only messages sent/received on this date/time and later |
dateto | (optional parameter) date and time in format YYYYmmDDHHMMSS (YYYY – year, mm – month, DD – day, HH – hour, MM – minutes, SS – seconds). Show only messages sent/received on this date/time and earlier |
Response: [number of messages in database sending errors folder]
Sample response: 3
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when wrong parameters): Wrong parameters
[number of messages in database Sending error folder]
Sample response:
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid access token</error_text>
Response (when wrong parameters):
<error_text>Wrong parameters</error_text>
Get sending error length: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method: https://url-of-smseagle/jsonrpc/sms
Sample body:
{“method”:”sms.get_sendingerror_length”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″}}
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
modem_no | (optional parameter) sending modem number (only for multimodem devices) |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
datefrom | (optional parameter) date and time in format YYYYmmDDHHMMSS (YYYY – year, mm – month, DD – day, HH – hour, MM – minutes, SS – seconds). Show only messages sent/received on this date/time and later |
dateto | (optional parameter) date and time in format YYYYmmDDHHMMSS (YYYY – year, mm – month, DD – day, HH – hour, MM – minutes, SS – seconds). Show only messages sent/received on this date/time and earlier |
Response: {“result”: “[number of messages in database Sending error folder]”}
Sample response: 3
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: “Invalid access token”}
Response (when wrong parameters): {“result”: “Wrong parameters”}
Response: {“result”:{“inbox_length”:[number of messages in database Sending error folder],”status”:”ok”}}
Sample response: {“result”: {“inbox_length”:”3″,”status”:”ok”}}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid login or password”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong parameters): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong parameters”,”status”:”error”}}
Get 3G/4G signal strenght: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method: https://url-of-smseagle/http_api/get_gsmsignal
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
modem_no | (optional parameter) modem number to be queried (default = 1). Used only in multimodem devices |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
Response: 3G/4G signal strength in percent (values between 0-100). If 3G/4G modem is disconnected from 3G/4G network, method returns -1
Sample response: 74
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when wrong parameters): Wrong parameters
[3G/4G signal strength in percent (values between 0-100)]
Sample response:
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid access token</error_text>
Response (when wrong parameters):
<error_text>Wrong parameters</error_text>
Get 3G/4G signal strength: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method: https://url-of-smseagle/jsonrpc/sms
Sample body:
{“method”:”signal.get_gsmsignal”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″}}
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
modem_no | (optional parameter) modem number to be queried (default = 1). Used only in multimodem devices |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
Response: {“result”: 3G/4G signal strength in percent: values between 0-100} If 3G/4G modem is disconnected from 3G/4G network, method returns -1.
Sample response: {“result”:7}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: “Invalid access token”}
Response (when wrong parameters): {“result”: “Wrong parameters”}
Response: {“result”:{“signal_strength”:[number of messages in database Sentitems folder],”status”:”ok”}}
Sample response: {“result”: {“signal_strength”:”7″,”status”:”ok”}}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid login or password”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Call with termination: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method: https://url-of-smseagle/http_api/call_with_termination
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
to | phone numer to call |
duration | connection duration (in seconds) |
modem_no | (optional parameter) optional parameter) modem number (default = 1). Used only in multimodem devices |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
Response: OK
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Wrong or missing >>duration<< parameter
Response (when modem_no is wrong): Modem not recognized
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid access token</error_text>
Response (when wrong parameters):
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>duration<< parameter</error_text>
Response (when modem doesn’t support voice calls):
<error_text>This modem doesn’t support voice calls</error_text>
Response (when modem_no is wrong):
<error_text> Modem not recognized </error_text>
Important notice: this method is available only for devices with voice modem
Call with termination: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method: https://url-of-smseagle/jsonrpc/sms
Sample body:
{“method”:”phone.call_with_termination”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″,”to”:”123456789″, “duration”:”30″}}
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
to | phone numer to call |
duration | connection duration (in seconds) |
modem_no | (optional parameter) calling modem number (default = 1). Used only in multimodem devices |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
Response: {“result”: “OK”}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”:”Invalid access token”}
Response (when modem doesn’t support voice calls): {“result”: “This modem doesn’t support voice calls”}
Response (when wrong parameters):
{“result”: “Wrong or missing >>to<< parameter”} {“result”: “Wrong or missing >>duration<< parameter”}
Response (when modem_no is wrong): {“result”: ” Modem not recognized”}
Response (Extended):
Response: {“result”:{“status”:”ok”}}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid login or password”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when modem doesn’t support voice calls):
{“result”: {“error_text”:”This modem doesn’t support voice calls”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong parameters):
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong or missing >>to<< parameter”,”status”:”error”}}
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong or missing >>duration<< parameter”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when modem_no is wrong):
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Modem not recognized”,”status”:”error”}}
Important notice: this method is available only for devices with voice modem
Get modem state: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method:
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
modem_no | (optional parameter) modem number to be queried (default = 1). Used only in multimodem devices |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
Response: enabled / disabled
Sample response: enabled
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when modem doesn’t exist): Wrong modem number
Response (XML):
enabled / disabled
Sample response:
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid access token</error_text>
Response (when modem doesn’t exist):
<error_text> Wrong modem number</error_text>
Get modem state: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method:
Sample body:
{“method”:”sms.get_modem_state”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″}}
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
modem_no | (optional parameter) modem number to be queried (default = 1). Used only in multimodem devices |
responsetype |
(optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
{“result”: enabled / disabled }
Sample response: {“result”:”enabled”}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”:”Invalid access token”}
Response (when modem doesn’t exist): {“result”: “Wrong modem number”}
Response (Extended):
Response: {“result”:{“modem_status”: enabled / disabled,”status”:”ok”}}
Sample response: {“result”: {“modem_status”:”Wrong modem number”,”status”:”ok”}}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid login or password”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when modem doesn’t exist): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong modem number”,”status”:”error”}}
Set modem state: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method:
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
modem_no | (optional parameter) modem number for status change (default = 1). Used only in multimodem devices |
status | enabled / disabled |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
Response: OK
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when modem doesn’t exist): Wrong modem number
Response (when wrong modem state): Wrong modem state
Response (XML):
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid access token</error_text>
Response (when modem doesn’t exist):
<error_text> Wrong modem number</error_text>
Response (when wrong modem state):
<error_text>Wrong modem state</error_text>
Set modem state: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method:
Sample body:
{“method”:”sms.set_modem_state”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″, “status”:”enabled”}}
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
modem_no | (optional parameter) modem number for status change (default = 1). Used only in multimodem devices |
status | enabled / disabled |
responsetype |
(optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
{“result”: enabled / disabled }
Sample response: {“result”:”enabled”}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”:”Invalid access token”}
Response (when modem doesn’t exist): {“result”: “Wrong modem number”}
Response (when wrong modem state): {“result”: “Wrong modem state”}
Response (Extended):
Response: {“result”:{“modem_status”: enabled / disabled,”status”:”ok”}}
Sample response: {“result”: {“modem_status”:”Wrong modem number”,”status”:”ok”}}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid login or password”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when modem doesn’t exist): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong modem number”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong modem state): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong modem state”,”status”:”error”}}
Phonebook group create: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method: https://url-of-smseagle/http_api/group_create
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
groupname | name for the created group |
public | (optional parameter) 0 = private group, 1 = public group |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
Response: OK; ID=[ID of created group]
Sample response: OK; ID=5
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when wrong parameters): Wrong or missing >>groupname<< parameter
<group_id>[ID of created group]</group_id>
Sample response:
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid access token</error_text>
Response (when wrong parameters):
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>groupname<< parameter</error_text>
Phonebook group create: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method: https://url-of-smseagle/jsonrpc/sms
Sample body:
{“method”:”phonebook.group_create”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″,”groupname”:”myusers”,”public”:”1″}}
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
groupname | name for the created group |
public | (optional parameter) 0 = private group, 1 = public group |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
Response: {“result”: “OK; ID=[ID of created group]”}
Sample response: {“result”: “OK; ID=5”}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”:”Invalid access token”}
Response (when wrong parameters): {“result”: “Wrong or missing >>groupname<< parameter”}
Response: {“result”: {“group_id”:”[ID of created group]”,”status”:”ok”}}
Sample response: {“result”: {“group_id”:”748″,”status”:”ok”}}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid login or password”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong parameters): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong parameters”,”status”:”error”}}
Phonebook group read: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method: https://url-of-smseagle/http_api/group_read
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
public | (optional parameter) 0 = private group (default value), 1 = public group |
uid | (optional parameter) id of user who created the group |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
Response (when no data): No data to display
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when wrong parameters):
Wrong or missing >>uid<< parameter
Wrong or missing >>public<< parameter
Sample response:
Response (when no data):
<error_text>No data to display</error_text>
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid access token</error_text>
Response (when wrong parameters):
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>uid<< parameter</error_text>
Response (when wrong parameters):
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>public<< parameter</error_text>
Phonebook group read: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method: https://url-of-smseagle/jsonrpc/sms
Sample body:
{“method”:”phonebook.group_read”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″,”public”:”1″,”uid”:”12″}}
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
public | (optional parameter) 0 = private group (default value), 1 = public group |
uid | (optional parameter) id of user who created the group |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
Sample response: link
Response (when no data): {“result”: “No data to display”}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: “Invalid access token”}
Response (when wrong parameters):
{“result”: “Wrong or missing >>uid<< parameter”}
{“result”: “Wrong or missing >>public<< parameter”}
Sample response: link
Response (when wrong parameters):
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong or missing >>uid<< parameter”,”status”:”error”}}
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong or missing >>public<< parameter”,”status”:”error”}}
Phonebook group update: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method: https://url-of-smseagle/http_api/group_update
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
group_id | id of existing group |
groupname | name for the group |
public | (optional parameter) 0 = private group, 1 = public group |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
Response: OK
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when wrong parameters):
Wrong or missing >>groupname<< parameter
Wrong or missing >>group_id<< parameter
Response (when group_id is wrong): Group with the given id does not exists
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
</xml>Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid access token</error_text>
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>groupname<< parameter</error_text>
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>group_id<< parameter</error_text>
<error_text>Group with the given id does not exists</error_text>
Phonebook group update: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method: https://url-of-smseagle/jsonrpc/sms
Sample body:
{“method”:”phonebook.group_update”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″,”group_id”:”2″,”groupname”:”myusers”,”public”:”1″}}
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
group_id | id of existing group |
groupname | name for the group |
public | (optional parameter) 0 = private group, 1 = public group |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
Response: OK
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when wrong parameters):
Wrong or missing >>groupname<< parameter
Wrong or missing >>group_id<< parameter
Response (when group_id is wrong): Group with the given id does not exists
Response: {“result”:{“status”:”ok”}}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid login or password”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong parameters): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong or missing >>groupname<< parameter”,”status”:”error”}}{“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong or missing >>group_id<< parameter”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when group_id is wrong): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Group with the given id does not exists”,”status”:”error”}}
Phonebook group delete: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method: https://url-of-smseagle/http_api/group_delete
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
group_id | id of existing group |
groupname | name of existing group |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
Response: OK
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when wrong parameters):
Wrong or missing >>groupname<< parameter
Wrong or missing >>group_id<< parameter
Response (when group_id is wrong): Group with the given id and name does not exist
Response (XML):
</xml>Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid access token</error_text>
Response (when wrong parameters):
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>groupname<< parameter</error_text>
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>group_id<< parameter</error_text>
Response (when group_id is wrong):
<error_text>Group with the given id does not exists</error_text>
Phonebook group delete: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method: https://url-of-smseagle/jsonrpc/sms
Sample body:
{“method”:”phonebook.group_delete”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″,”group_id”:”2″,”groupname”:”myusers”}}
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
group_id | id of existing group |
groupname | name of existing group |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
Response: {“result”: “OK”}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: “Invalid access token”}
Response (when wrong parameters):
{“result”: “Wrong or missing >>groupname<< parameter”}
{“result”: “Wrong or missing >>group_id<< parameter”}
Response: {“result”:{“status”:”ok”}}Response (when wrong logindata):
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid login or password”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong parameters):
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong or missing >>groupname<< parameter”,”status”:”error”}}{“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong or missing >>group_id<< parameter”,”status”:”error”}}Response (when group_id is wrong):
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Group with the given id does not exists”,”status”:”error”}}
Phonebook group add contact: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method: https://url-of-smseagle/http_api/group_addcontact
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
group_id | id of existing group (or id’s separated with comma) |
contact_id | id of contact. The contact will be added to the group |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
Response: OK
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when wrong parameters):
Wrong or missing >>group_id<< parameter
Wrong or missing >>contact_id<< parameter
Response (when id is wrong):
Group with the given id does not exists
Contact with the given id does not exists
Response (XML):
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid access token</error_text>
Response (when wrong parameters):
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>group_id<< parameter</error_text>
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>contact_id<< parameter</error_text>
Response (when id is wrong):
<error_text>Group with the given id does not exists</error_text>
<error_text>Contact with the given id does not exists</error_text>
Phonebook group add contact: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method: https://url-of-smseagle/jsonrpc/sms
Sample body:
{“method”:”phonebook.group_addcontact”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″,”group_id”:”2″,”contact_id”:”1″}}
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
group_id | id of existing group (or id’s separated with comma) |
contact_id | id of contact. The contact will be added to the group |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
Response: {“result”: “OK”}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: “Invalid access token”}
Response (when wrong parameters):
{“result”: “Wrong or missing >>group_id<< parameter”}
{“result”: “Wrong or missing >>contact_id<< parameter”}
{“result”: “Group with the given id does not exists”}
{“result”: “Contact with the given id does not exists”}
Response: {“result”:{“status”:”ok”}}Response (when wrong logindata):
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid login or password”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong parameters):
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong or missing >>group_id<< parameter”,”status”:”error”}}{“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong or missing >>contact_id<< parameter”,”status”:”error”}}Response (when id is wrong):
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Group with the given id does not exists”,”status”:”error”}}{“result”: {“error_text”:”Contact with the given id does not exists”,”status”:”error”}}
Phonebook group remove contact: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method: https://url-of-smseagle/http_api/group_removecontact
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
group_id | id of existing group (or id’s separated with comma) |
contact_id | id of contact. The contact will be removed from the group |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
Response: OK
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when wrong parameters):
Wrong or missing >>group_id<< parameter
Wrong or missing >>contact_id<< parameter
Response (when id is wrong):
Group with the given id does not exists
Contact with the given id does not exists
Response (XML):
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid access token</error_text>
Response (when wrong parameters):
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>group_id<< parameter</error_text>
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>contact_id<< parameter</error_text>
Response (when id is wrong):
<error_text>Group with the given id does not exists</error_text>
<error_text>Contact with the given id does not exists</error_text>
Phonebook group remove contact: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method: https://url-of-smseagle/jsonrpc/sms
Sample body:
{“method”:”phonebook.group_removecontact”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″,”group_id”:”2″,”contact_id”:”1″}}
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
group_id | id of existing group (or id’s separated with comma) |
contact_id | id of contact. The contact will be removed from the group |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
Response: {“result”: “OK”}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: “Invalid access token”}
Response (when wrong parameters):
{“result”: “Wrong or missing >>group_id<< parameter”}
{“result”: “Wrong or missing >>contact_id<< parameter”}
{“result”: “Group with the given id does not exists”}
{“result”: “Contact with the given id does not exists”}
Response: {“result”:{“status”:”ok”}}
Response (when wrong logindata):
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid login or password”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong parameters):
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong or missing >>group_id<< parameter”,”status”:”error”}}
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong or missing >>contact_id<< parameter”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when id is wrong):
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Group with the given id does not exists”,”status”:”error”}}
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Contact with the given id does not exists”,”status”:”error”}}
Phonebook group members read: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method:
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
group_id | ID of group to be queried |
user_id | (optional parameter) show only contacts created by user with given ID |
public | (optional parameter) 0 = private, 1 = public |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
Sample response: link
Response (when wrong or missing group_id parameter): Wrong or missing >>group_id<< parameter
Response (when wrong user_id parameter): Wrong >>user_id<< parameter
Response (when wrong public parameter): Wrong >>public<< parameter
Response (when result set is empty): No data to display
Response (XML):
Response (when wrong or missing group_id parameter):
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>group_id<< parameter</error_text>
Response (when wrong user_id parameter):
<error_text>Wrong >>user_id<< parameter</error_text>
Response (when wrong public parameter):
<error_text> Wrong >>public<< parameter </error_text>
Phonebook group members read: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method:
Sample body:
{“method”:”phonebook.group_members_read”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″,”group_id”:”11″}}
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
group_id | ID of group to be queried |
user_id | (optional parameter) show only contacts created by user with given ID |
public | (optional parameter) 0 = private, 1 = public |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
Sample response:
“result”: [
Response (when wrong or missing group_id parameter): {“result”: “Wrong or missing >>group_id<< parameter”}
Response (when wrong user_id parameter): {“result”: “Wrong >>user_id<< parameter”}
Response (when wrong public parameter): {“result”: “Wrong >>public<< parameter”}
Response (Extended):
Sample response:
“result”: {
“contacts”: [
{“ID”:”1693″,”Name”: “mycontact3″,”Number”:”12345″,
“status”: “ok”}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid login or password”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong or missing group_id parameter): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong or missing >>group_id<< parameter”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong user_id parameter): {“result”: “Wrong >>user_id<< parameter”}
Response (when wrong public parameter): {“result”: “Wrong >>public<< parameter”}
Phonebook contact create: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method: https://url-of-smseagle/http_api/contact_create
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
contactname | name for the created contact |
number | telephone number for the created contact |
public | (optional parameter) 0 = private contact, 1 = public contact (default value) |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
Response: OK; ID=[ID of created contact]
Sample response: OK; ID=2
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when wrong parameters):
Wrong or missing >>contactname<< parameter
Wrong or missing >>number<< parameter
Response (XML):
<contact_id>[ID of created contact]</contact_id>
Sample response:
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid access token</error_text>
Response (when wrong parameters):
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>contactname<< parameter</error_text>
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>number<< parameter</error_text>
Phonebook contact create: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method: https://url-of-smseagle/jsonrpc/sms
Sample body:
{“method”:”phonebook.contact_create”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″,”contactname”:”johndoe”,”number”:”12345678″,”public”:”1″}}
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
contactname | name for the created contact |
number | telephone number for the created contact |
public | (optional parameter) 0 = private contact 1 = public contact (default value) |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
Response: {“result”: “OK; ID=[ID of created contact]”}
Sample response: {“result”: “OK; ID=2”}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: “Invalid access token”}
Response (when wrong parameters):
{“result”: “Wrong or missing >>contactname<< parameter”}
{“result”: “Wrong or missing >>number<< parameter”}
{“result”: {“contact_id”:”[ID of created contact]”,”status”:”ok”}}Sample response: {“result”: {“contact_id”:”2″,”status”:”ok”}}Response (when wrong logindata):
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid login or password”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong parameters):
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong or missing >>contactname<< parameter”},”status”:”error”}}{“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong or missing >>number<< parameter”,”status”:”error”}}
Phonebook contact read: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method: https://url-of-smseagle/http_api/contact_read
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
public | (optional parameter) 0 = private contacts (default value), 1 = public contacts |
uid | (optional parameter) id of user who created the contact |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
Sample response: link
Response (when no data): No data to display
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when wrong parameters):
Wrong or missing >>uid<< parameter
Wrong or missing >>public<< parameter
Response (XML):
Sample response: link
Response (when no data):
<error_text>No data to display</error_text>
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid access token</error_text>
Response (when wrong parameters):
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>uid<< parameter</error_text>
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>public<< parameter</error_text>
Phonebook contact read: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method: https://url-of-smseagle/jsonrpc/sms
Sample body:
{“method”:”phonebook.contact_read”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″,”public”:”1″,”uid”:”12″}}
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
public | (optional parameter) 0 = private contacts (default value), 1 = public contacts |
uid | (optional parameter) id of user who created the contact |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
Sample response: link
Response (when no data): {“result”: “No data to display”}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: “Invalid access token”}
Response (when wrong parameters):
{“result”: “Wrong or missing >>uid<< parameter”}
{“result”: “Wrong or missing >>public<< parameter”}
Sample response: link
Response (when no data):
{“result”: {“error_text”:” No data to display”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong logindata):
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid login or password”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong parameters):
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong or missing >>uid<< parameter”,”status”:”error”}}{“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong or missing >>public<< parameter”,”status”:”error”}}
Phonebook contact update: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method: https://url-of-smseagle/http_api/contact_update
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
contact_id | id of existing contact |
contactname | name for the contact |
number | phone number for the contact |
public | (optional parameter) 0 = private group, 1 = public group |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
Response: OK
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when wrong parameters):
Wrong or missing >>contactname<< parameter
Wrong or missing >>contact_id<< parameter
Wrong or missing >>number<< parameter
Response (when contact_id is wrong): Contact with the given id does not exists
Response (XML):
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid access token</error_text>
Response (when wrong parameters):
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>contactname<< parameter</error_text>
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>contact_id<< parameter</error_text>
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>number<< parameter</error_text>
Response (when contact_id is wrong):
<error_text>Contact with the given id does not exists</error_text>
Phonebook contact update: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method: https://url-of-smseagle/jsonrpc/sms
Sample body:
{“method”:”phonebook.contact_update”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″,”contact_id”:”4″,”contactname”:”johnlord”,”number”:”123456789″,”public”:”1″}}
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
contact_id | id of existing contact |
contactname | name for the contact |
number | phone number for the contact |
public | (optional parameter) 0 = private group, 1 = public group |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
Response: {“result”: “OK”}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: “Invalid access token”}
Response (when wrong parameters):
{“result”: “Wrong or missing >>contactname<< parameter”}
{“result”: “Wrong or missing >>contact_id<< parameter”}
{“result”: “Wrong or missing >>number<< parameter”}
Response: {“result”:{“status”:”ok”}}
Response (when wrong logindata):
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid login or password”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong parameters):
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong or missing >>contactname<< parameter”,”status”:”error”}}
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong or missing >>contact_id<< parameter”,”status”:”error”}}
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong or missing >>number<< parameter”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when contact_id is wrong):
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Contact with the given id does not exists”,”status”:”error”}}
Phonebook contact delete: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method: https://url-of-smseagle/http_api/contact_delete
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
contact_id | id of existing contact |
contactname | name of existing contact |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
Response: OK
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when wrong parameters):
Wrong or missing >>contactname<< parameter
Wrong or missing >>contact_id<< parameter
Response (when group_id is wrong): Contact with the given id and name does not exists
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
</xml>Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid access token</error_text>
Response (when wrong parameters):
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>contactname<< parameter</error_text>
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>contact_id<< parameter</error_text>
Response (when contact_id is wrong):
<error_text>Contact with the given id and name does not exists </error_text>
Phonebook contact delete: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method: https://url-of-smseagle/jsonrpc/sms
Sample body:
{“method”:”phonebook.contact_delete”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″,”contact_id”:”4″,”contactname”:”johnlord”}}
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
contact_id | id of existing contact |
contactname | name of existing contact |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
Response: {“result”: “OK”}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: “Invalid access token”}
Response (when wrong parameters):
{“result”: “Wrong or missing >>contactname<< parameter”}
{“result”: “Wrong or missing >>contact_id<< parameter”}
Response: {“result”:{“status”:”ok”}}
Response (when wrong logindata):
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid login or password”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong parameters):
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong or missing >>contactname<< parameter”,”status”:”error”}}
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong or missing >>contact_id<< parameter”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when contact_id is wrong):
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Contact with the given id and name does not exists”,”status”:”error”}}
Phonebook shift create: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method: https://url-of-smseagle/http_api/shift_create
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
name | name for the created shift |
enabled | 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled |
(mon-sun)_from | shift start hour for each day of week |
(mon-sun)_to | shift end hour for each day of week |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
Response: OK; ID=[ID of created shift]
Sample response: OK; ID=5
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when wrong parameters): Wrong or missing >>name<< parameter
Response (XML):
<shift_id>[ID of created shift]</shift_id>
Sample response:
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid access token</error_text>
Response (when wrong parameters):
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>name<< parameter</error_text>
Phonebook shift create: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method: https://url-of-smseagle/jsonrpc/sms
Sample body:
{“method”:”phonebook.shift_create”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″,”name”:”myshift”,”mon_from”:”08:00″,”mon_to”:”16:00″,”wed_from”:”09:00″,”wed_to”:”20:00″,”enabled”:”1″}}
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
name | name for the created shift |
enabled | 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled |
(mon-sun)_from | shift start hour for each day of week |
(mon-sun)_to | shift end hour for each day of week |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
Response: {“result”: “OK; ID=[ID of created shift]”}
Sample response: {“result”: “OK; ID=5”}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”:”Invalid access token”}
Response (when wrong parameters): {“result”: “Wrong or missing >>name<< parameter”}
Response (Extended):
Response: {“result”: {“shift_id”:”[ID of created shift]”,”status”:”ok”}}
Sample response: {“result”: {“shift_id”:”748″,”status”:”ok”}}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid login or password”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong parameters): {“result”: {“error_text”:” Wrong or missing >>name<< parameter “,”status”:”error”}}
Phonebook shift read: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method:
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
name | (optional parameter) shift name |
enabled | (optional parameter) 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled |
shift_id | (optional parameter) shift id |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
Sample response: link
Response (when no data): No data to display
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when wrong parameters):
Wrong >>shift_id<< parameter
Response (XML):
Sample response:
Response (when no data):
<error_text>No data to display</error_text>
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid access token</error_text>
Response (when wrong parameters):
<error_text> Wrong >>id<< parameter</error_text>
Response (when wrong parameters):
<error_text> Wrong >>enabled<< parameter</error_text>
Phonebook shift read: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method:
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
name | (optional parameter) shift name |
enabled | (optional parameter) 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled |
shift_id | (optional parameter) shift id |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
{“method”:”phonebook.shift_read”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″,”name”:”myshift”}}
Sample response:
“result”: [
“id_shift”: “62”,
“name”: “myshift”,
“mon_from”: “08:00”,
“mon_to”: “16:00”,
“tue_from”: null,
“tue_to”: null,
“wed_from”: “09:00”,
“wed_to”: “20:00”,
“thu_from”: null,
“thu_to”: null,
“fri_from”: null,
“fri_to”: null,
“sat_from”: null,
“sat_to”: null,
“sun_from”: null,
“sun_to”: null,
“enabled”: “true”
Response (when no data): {“result”: “No data to display”}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”:”Invalid access token”}
Response (when wrong parameters):
{“result”: “Wrong >> enabled<< parameter”}
{“result”: “Wrong >>shift_id<< parameter”}
Response (EXTENDED):
Sample response:
“result”: {
“shifts”: [
“id_shift”: “62”,
“name”: “myshift”,
“mon_from”: “08:00”,
“mon_to”: “16:00”,
“tue_from”: null,
“tue_to”: null,
“wed_from”: “09:00”,
“wed_to”: “20:00”,
“thu_from”: null,
“thu_to”: null,
“fri_from”: null,
“fri_to”: null,
“sat_from”: null,
“sat_to”: null,
“sun_from”: null,
“sun_to”: null,
“enabled”: “false”
“status”: “ok”
Response (when no data):
{“result”: {“error_text”:” No data to display”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong logindata):
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid login or password”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong parameters):
{“result”: {“error_text”:” Wrong >> enabled<< parameter “,”status”:”error”}}
{“result”: {“error_text”:” Wrong >> shift_id<< parameter “,”status”:”error”}}
Phonebook shift update: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method:
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
shift_id | id of existing shift |
name | name for the shift |
enabled | 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
Response: OK
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when wrong parameters):
Wrong or missing >>name<< parameter
Wrong or missing >>shift_id<< parameter
Response (when shift_id is wrong): Shift with the given id does not exists
Response (XML):
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid access token</error_text>
Response (when wrong parameters):
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>name<< parameter</error_text>
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>shift_id<< parameter</error_text>
Response (when shift_id is wrong):
<error_text>Shift with given id does not exists</error_text>
Phonebook shift update: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method:
Sample body:
{“method”:”phonebook.shift_update”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″,”shift_id”:”24″,”name”:”updatedshift”,”enabled”:”1″}}
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
shift_id | id of existing shift |
name | name for the shift |
enabled | 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
Response: {“result”: “OK”}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”:”Invalid access token”}
Response (when wrong parameters):
{“result”: “Wrong or missing >>name<< parameter”}
{“result”: “Wrong or missing >>shift_id<< parameter”}
Response (when shift_id is wrong): {“result”: “Shift with the given id does not exists”}
Response (Extended):
Response: {“result”:{“status”:”ok”}}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid login or password”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong parameters):
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong or missing >>name<< parameter”,”status”:”error”}}
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong or missing >>shift_id<< parameter”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when shift_id is wrong): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Shift with the given id does not exists”,”status”:”error”}}
Phonebook shift delete: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method:
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
shift_id | id of existing shift |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
Response: OK
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when wrong parameters):
Wrong or missing >>shift_id<< parameter
Response (when shift_id is wrong): Shift with the given id does not exist
Response (XML):
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid access token</error_text>
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>shift_id<< parameter</error_text>
Response (when shift_id is wrong):
<error_text>Shift with the given id does not exists</error_text>
Phonebook shift delete: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method:
Sample body:
{“method”:”phonebook.shift_delete”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″,”shift_id”:”24″}}
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
shift_id | id of existing shift |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
Response: {“result”: “OK”}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”:”Invalid access token”}
Response (when wrong parameters):
{“result”: “Wrong or missing >>shift_id<< parameter”}
Response (when shift_id is wrong): {“result”: “Shift with the given id does not exist”}
Response (Extended):
Response: {“result”:{“status”:”ok”}}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid login or password”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong parameters): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong or missing >>shift_id<< parameter”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when shift_id is wrong): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Shift with the given id does not exists”,”status”:”error”}}
Phonebook shift add contact: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method:
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
shift_id | id of existing shift (or id’s separated with comma) |
contact_id | id of contact. The contact will be added to the shift |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
Response: OK
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when wrong parameters):
Wrong or missing >>shift_id<< parameter
Wrong or missing >>contact_id<< parameter
Response (when id is wrong):
Shift with the given id does not exists
Contact with the given id does not exists
Response (XML):
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid access token</error_text>
Response (when wrong parameters):
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>shift_id<< parameter</error_text>
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>contact_id<< parameter</error_text>
Response (when id is wrong):
<error_text>Shift with the given id does not exists</error_text>
<error_text>Contact with the given id does not exists</error_text>
Phonebook shift add contact: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method:
Sample body:
{“method”:”phonebook.shift_addcontact”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″,”shift_id”:”24″,”contact_id”:”1″}}
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
shift_id | id of existing shift (or id’s separated with comma) |
contact_id | id of contact. The contact will be added to the shift |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
Response: {“result”: “OK”}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”:”Invalid access token”}
Response (when wrong parameters):
{“result”: “Wrong or missing >>shift_id<< parameter”}
{“result”: “Wrong or missing >>contact_id<< parameter”}
Response (when id is wrong):
{“result”: “Shift with the given id does not exists”}
{“result”: “Contact with the given id does not exists”}
Response (Extended):
Response: {“result”:{“status”:”ok”}}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid login or password”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong parameters):
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong or missing >>shift_id<< parameter”,”status”:”error”}}
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong or missing >>contact_id<< parameter”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when id is wrong):
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Shift with the given id does not exists”,”status”:”error”}}
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Contact with the given id does not exists”,”status”:”error”}}
Phonebook shift remove contact: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method:
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
shift_id | id of existing shift (or id’s separated with comma) |
contact_id | id of contact. The contact will be added to the shift |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
Response: OK
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when wrong parameters):
Wrong or missing >>shift_id<< parameter
Wrong or missing >>contact_id<< parameter
Response (when id is wrong):
Shift with the given id does not exists
Contact with the given id does not exists
Response (XML):
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid access token</error_text>
Response (when wrong parameters):
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>shift_id<< parameter</error_text>
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>contact_id<< parameter</error_text>
Response (when id is wrong):
<error_text>Shift with the given id does not exists</error_text>
<error_text>Contact with the given id does not exists</error_text>
Phonebook shift remove contact: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method:
Sample body:
{“method”:”phonebook.shift_removecontact”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″,”shift_id”:”24″,”contact_id”:”1″}}
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
shift_id | id of existing shift (or id’s separated with comma) |
contact_id | id of contact. The contact will be added to the shift |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
Response: {“result”: “OK”}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”:”Invalid access token”}
Response (when wrong parameters):
{“result”: “Wrong or missing >>shift_id<< parameter”}
{“result”: “Wrong or missing >>contact_id<< parameter”}
Response (when id is wrong):
{“result”: “Shift with the given id does not exists”}
{“result”: “Contact with the given id does not exists”}
Response (Extended):
Response: {“result”:{“status”:”ok”}}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid login or password”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong parameters):
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong or missing >>shift_id<< parameter”,”status”:”error”}}
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong or missing >>contact_id<< parameter”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when id is wrong):
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Shift with the given id does not exists”,”status”:”error”}}
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Contact with the given id does not exists”,”status”:”error”}}
User ID read: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method:
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
username | username to be queried |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
Response: User ID
Sample response: 24
Response (when username parameter is missing): Missing >>username<< parameter
Response (when user doesn’t exist): Wrong >>username<< parameter
Response (XML):
Response (when username parameter is missing):
<error_text>Missing >>username<< parameter</error_text>
Response (when user doesn’t exist):
<error_text>Wrong >>username<< parameter</error_text>
User ID read: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method:
Sample body:
{“method”:”phonebook.userid_read”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2BP8″,”username”:”myuser”}}
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
username | username to be queried |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
{“result”: [user ID] }
Sample response: {“result”:”24″}
Response (when username parameter is missing): {“result”: “Missing >>username<< parameter”}
Response (when user doesn’t exist): {“result”: “Wrong >>username<< parameter”}
Response (Extended):
{“result”:{“uid”: [user ID],”status”:”ok”}}
Sample response: {“result”: {“uid”:”24″,”status”:”ok”}}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid login or password”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when username parameter is missing): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Missing >>username<< parameter”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when user doesn’t exist): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong >>username<< parameter”,”status”:”error”}}
Group members read: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method:
https://url-of-smseagle/http_api/group_members_read? access_token=0005gOjCOlMH8F2x&group_id=11
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
group_id | ID of group to be queried |
user_id | (optional parameter) show only contacts created by user with given ID |
public | (optional parameter) 0 = private, 1 = public |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
Response (when wrong or missing group_id parameter): Wrong or missing >>group_id<< parameter
Response (when wrong user_id parameter): Wrong >>user_id<< parameter
Response (when wrong public parameter): Wrong >>public<< parameter
Response (when result set is empty): No data to display
Response (when wrong or missing group_id parameter):
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>group_id<< parameter</error_text>
Response (when wrong user_id parameter):
<error_text>Wrong >>user_id<< parameter</error_text>
Response (when wrong public parameter):
<error_text> Wrong >>public<< parameter </error_text>
Group members read: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method:
Sample body:
{“method”:”phonebook.group_members_read”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2x”,”group_id”:”11″}}
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
group_id | ID of group to be queried |
user_id | (optional parameter) show only contacts created by user with given ID |
public | (optional parameter) 0 = private, 1 = public |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
Response: {“result”: “OK”}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”:”Invalid access token”}
Response (when wrong or missing group_id parameter):
{“result”: “Wrong or missing >>group_id<< parameter”}
Response (when wrong user_id parameter): {“result”: “Wrong >>user_id<< parameter”}
Response (when wrong public parameter): {“result”: “Wrong >>public<< parameter”}
Response (Extended):
Response: {“result”:{“status”:”ok”}}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid login or password”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong or missing group_id parameter): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong or missing >>group_id<< parameter”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong user_id parameter): {“result”: “Wrong >>user_id<< parameter”}
Response (when wrong public parameter): {“result”: “Wrong >>public<< parameter”}
Call forward read: HTTP GET method
Important Notice: This feature is available only devices with 3G modems.
HTTP GET method:
https://url-of-smseagle/http_api/call_forward_read? access_token=0005gOjCOlMH8F2x&modem_no=1
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
modem_no | modem number (default = 1) |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
Sample response: 0 (call forwarding disabled)
Sample response: 1;+48123456789 (call forwarding enabled to number +48123456789)
Response (when modem returns wrong response): error
Response (when wrong modem_no parameter): Wrong parameters
<call_forward_status>1;+48123456789 </call_forward_status>
Response (when wrong modem_no parameter):
<error_text>Wrong parameters </error_text>
Call forward read: JSONRPC method
Important Notice: This feature is available only devices with 3G modems.
HTTP POST method:
Sample body:
{“method”:”phone.call_forward_read”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2x”,”modem_no”:”1″}}
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
modem_no | modem number (default = 1) |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
Response: {“result”: “OK”}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”:”Invalid access token”}
Response {“result”:”0″} (call forwarding disabled)
Response {“result”:”1;+48123456789″} (call forwarding enabled to number +48123456789)
Response (when modem/cellular network returns wrong response): {“result”: “error”}
Response (when wrong modem_no parameter): {“result”: “Wrong parameters”}
Response (Extended):
Response: {“result”:{“status”:”ok”}}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid login or password”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Response {“result”:{“call_forward_status”:”0″,”status”:”ok”}}
Response {“result”:{“call_forward_status”:”1;+48123456789″,”status”:”ok”}}
Response (when wrong parameters):
{“result”:{“error_text”:”Wrong parameters”,”status”:”error”}}
Call forward set: HTTP GET method
Important Notice: This feature is available only devices with 3G modems.
HTTP GET method:
https://url-of-smseagle/http_api/call_forward_set? access_token=0005gOjCOlMH8F2x&modem_no=1&modem_no=2&status=1&number=1234567
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
modem_no | modem number (default = 1) |
status | status of call forwarding 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled |
number | phone number to forward all incoming calls (required when status = 1) |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
Sample response: OK
Response (when modem returns wrong response): error
Response (when wrong modem_no parameter): Wrong parameters
Response (when wrong modem_no parameter):
<error_text>Wrong parameters </error_text>
Call forward set: JSONRPC method
Important Notice: This feature is available only devices with 3G modems.
HTTP POST method:
Sample body:
{“method”:”phone.call_forward_set”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2x”,”modem_no”:”1″, “status”:”1″, “number”:”123456789″}}
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
modem_no | modem number (default = 1) |
status | status of call forwarding 0 = disabled, 1 = enabled |
number | phone number to forward all incoming calls (required when status = 1) |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
Response: {“result”: “OK”}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”:”Invalid access token”}
Response (when modem/cellular network returns wrong response): {“result”: “error”}
Response (when wrong modem_no parameter): {“result”: “Wrong parameters”}
Response (Extended):
Response: {“result”:{“status”:”ok”}}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid login or password”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong parameters):
{“result”:{“error_text”:”Wrong parameters”,”status”:”error”}}
Phonebook contact set vacation mode: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method:
https://url-of-smseagle/http_api/set_contact_vacation_mode?access_token=0005gOjCOlMH8F2x&contact_id=4&contactname=johnlord& status=enabled
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
contact_id | id of existing contact |
contactname | name of existing contact |
status | enabled / disabled |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
Sample response: OK
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when wrong status): Wrong parameters
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid Access token</error_text>
Response (when wrong status):
<error_text>Wrong parameters</error_text>
Phonebook contact set vacation mode: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method:
Sample body:
{“method”:”phonebook.set_contact_vacation_mode”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2x”,”contact_id”:”4″, “contactname”:”johnlord”,”status”:”enabled”}}
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
contact_id | id of existing contact |
contactname | name of existing contact |
status | enabled / disabled |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
Response: {“result”: “OK”}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”:”Invalid access token”}
Response (when wrong status): {“result”: “Wrong parameters”}
Response (Extended):
Response: {“result”:{“status”:”ok”}}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid login or password”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong status):
{“result”:{“error_text”:”Wrong parameters”,”status”:”error”}}
Phonebook contact get vacation mode: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method:
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
contact_id | id of existing contact |
contactname | name of existing contact |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
Response: enabled / disabled
Sample response: enabled
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
enabled / disabled
Sample response:
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid Access token</error_text>
Phonebook contact get vacation mode: JSONRPC method
HTTP POST method:
Sample body:
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
contact_id | id of existing contact |
contactname | name of existing contact |
responsetype | (optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
Response: {“result”: enabled / disabled }
Sample response: {“result”:”enabled”}
Response (when wrong logindata): {“result”: “Invalid login or password”}
Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: “Invalid access token”}
Response (Extended):
{“result”:{“vacation_mode”: enabled / disabled,”status”:”ok”}}
Response (when wrong logindata):
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid login or password”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong access token):
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Set outbox modem number: HTTP GET method
Important Notice: This feature is available only for multimodem devices.
HTTP GET method:
https://url-of-smseagle/http_api/set_outbox_modem_no? access_token=0005gOjCOlMH8F2x¤t_modem_no=1&new_modem_no=2
responsetype(optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
current_modem_no | current modem number of messages in outbox you want to modify |
new_modem_no | new modem number you want to assign to messages in outbox |
Response: OK
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when modem doesn’t exist): Wrong modem number
Response (when wrong modem state): Wrong modem state
Response (XML):
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid access token</error_text>
Response (when modem doesn’t exist):
<error_text> Wrong modem number</error_text>
Response (when wrong modem state):
<error_text>Wrong modem state</error_text>
Set outbox modem number: JSONRPC method
Important Notice: This feature is available only for multimodem devices.
HTTP POST method:
Sample body:
{“method”:”sms.set_outbox_modem_no”, “params”:{“access_token”:”0005gOjCOlMH8F2x”, “current_modem_no”:”1”, “new_modem_no”:”2”}}
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
current_modem_no | current modem number of messages in outbox you want to modify |
new_modem_no | new modem number you want to assign to messages in outbox |
responsetype |
(optional parameter) simple = format response as simple object with one result field (default), extended = format response as extended JSON object |
Sample response: {“result”:”OK”} Response (when wrong login data): {“result”: “Invalid login or password”} Response (when wrong access token): {“result”: “Invalid access token”}
Response (when wrong status): {“result”: “Wrong parameters”}
Response (Extended):
Response (when wrong logindata):
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid login or password”,”status”:”error”}} Response (when wrong access token):
{“result”: {“error_text”:”Invalid access token”,”status”:”error”}}
Response (when wrong status): {“result”: {“error_text”:”Wrong parameters”,”status”:”error”}}
Calls: Ring call: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method:
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
to | phone numer to call |
duration | connection duration (in seconds) |
date | (optional parameter) date and time in format YYYYmmDDHHMM (YYYY – year, mm – month, DD – day, HH – hour, MM – minute) |
call_before | (optional parameter) make a call before specified time. It can be used to prevent making calls at night. Format: HH:MM:SS (HH – hour, MM – minute) |
call_after | (optional parameter) make a call after specified time. It can be used to prevent making calls at night. Format: HH:MM:SS (HH – hour, MM – minute) |
modem_no | (optional parameter) modem number (only for multimodem devices) |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
Response: OK
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when modem doesn’t support voice calls): This modem doesn’t support voice calls
Response (when wrong parameters):
Wrong or missing >>to<< parameter
Wrong or missing >>duration<< parameter
Response (when modem_no is wrong): Modem not recognized
Response (XML):
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid Access token</error_text>
Response (when wrong parameters):
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>duration<< parameter</error_text>
Response (when modem doesn’t support voice calls):
<error_text>This modem doesn’t support voice calls</error_text>
Response (when modem_no is wrong):
<error_text> Modem not recognized </error_text>
Important notice: this method is available only for devices with voice modem
Calls: Text-to-speech call: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method:
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
to | phone numer to call |
duration | connection duration (in seconds) |
date | (optional parameter) date and time in format YYYYmmDDHHMM (YYYY – year, mm – month, DD – day, HH – hour, MM – minute) |
call_before | (optional parameter) make a call before specified time. It can be used to prevent making calls at night. Format: HH:MM:SS (HH – hour, MM – minute) |
call_after | (optional parameter) make a call after specified time. It can be used to prevent making calls at night. Format: HH:MM:SS (HH – hour, MM – minute) |
message | your text message to read by TTS engine |
modem_no | (optional parameter) modem number (only for multimodem devices) |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
Response: OK
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when modem doesn’t support voice calls): This modem doesn’t support voice calls
Response (when wrong parameters):
Wrong or missing >>to<< parameter
Wrong or missing >>duration<< parameter
Response (when modem_no is wrong): Modem not recognized
Response (XML):
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid Access token</error_text>
Response (when wrong parameters):
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>duration<< parameter</error_text>
Response (when modem doesn’t support voice calls):
<error_text>This modem doesn’t support voice calls</error_text>
Response (when modem_no is wrong):
<error_text> Modem not recognized </error_text>
Important notice: this method is available only for devices with voice modem
Calls: Advanced text-to-speech call: HTTP GET method
HTTP GET method:
Parameter | Description |
access_token | authentication access token (see details in point API Authentication) |
login | your user to login to SMSEagle (see details in point API Authentication) |
pass | your password to login to SMSEagle |
to | phone numer to call |
duration | connection duration (in seconds) |
date | (optional parameter) date and time in format YYYYmmDDHHMM (YYYY – year, mm – month, DD – day, HH – hour, MM – minute) |
call_before | (optional parameter) make a call before specified time. It can be used to prevent making calls at night. Format: HH:MM:SS (HH – hour, MM – minute) |
call_after | (optional parameter) make a call after specified time. It can be used to prevent making calls at night. Format: HH:MM:SS (HH – hour, MM – minute) |
message | your text message to read by TTS engine |
voice_id | ID of the voice model used to read the message |
modem_no | (optional parameter) modem number (only for multimodem devices) |
responsetype | (optional parameter) text = format response as text (default), xml = format response as XML object |
Response: OK
Response (when wrong logindata): Invalid login or password
Response (when wrong access token): Invalid access token
Response (when modem doesn’t support voice calls): This modem doesn’t support voice calls
Response (when wrong parameters):
Wrong or missing >>to<< parameter
Wrong or missing >>duration<< parameter
Response (when modem_no is wrong): Modem not recognized
Response (XML):
Response (when wrong logindata):
<error_text>Invalid login or password</error_text>
Response (when wrong access token):
<error_text>Invalid Access token</error_text>
Response (when wrong parameters):
<error_text>Wrong or missing >>duration<< parameter</error_text>
Response (when modem doesn’t support voice calls):
<error_text>This modem doesn’t support voice calls</error_text>
Response (when modem_no is wrong):
<error_text> Modem not recognized </error_text>
Important notice: this method is available only for devices with voice modem